
63, Female


Profile Information:

About Me:
I love crime fiction, have been reading it for years and recently started trying to write a crime novel myself... have so far three 50,000+word drafts (thanks to NaNoWriMo!) & am ploughing through trying to polish & shape them into something I can actually show someone
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Agatha Christie
Sue Grafton
Andrew M Greeley
Dashiell Hammett
Val McDermid
Louise Penny
Dorathy L Sayers
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Gosford Park
Midsomer Murders
Without A Trace
The Bourne movies (all 3)
Oceans (Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen)
Love Actually & 4 Weddings & A Funeral (I know--not relevant here but setting out the 'case' of who's to end up with who arriving at a conclusion in an entertaining manner...)

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  • Jean Henry Mead

    Ovidia, thank you for your kind condolences and please forgive me for not replying sooner. I've been having serious problems with my computer. My latest book, Escape, is now online at Fictionwise and will be available on Amazon.com next week. Thanks for asking. :)
  • JackBludis

    Nice to see that somebody recognizes that just because you've put 50,000 words on a page that the novel isn't finished. Time for you to pick one, work it over, and send it out. And I mean "work" it over, not look it over.
  • JackBludis

    By all means, read the stuff you want to write. I would think that, living in Singapore and knowing the territory, that you could turn out some pretting interesting stuff.