Mary McFarland

Otway, OH

United States

Profile Information:

Mineral Springs, Ohio
About Me:
I have just finished my second novel, a mystery, called A Fire in God's Bathtub. My first suspense novel placed third in the Golden Pen, 2010. I'm using 2011 to begin querying agents.
I Am A:
Writer, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
Connely, Kellerman, Lippman. Ellery Queen. Gerritsen - Bone Garden and The Keepsake. Trevor Howard's "Anatomy of a Murder," everything by Stieg Larson, and I'm in love with The Lock Artist.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Glades. Criminal Minds. Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Comment Wall:

  • Kate the Book Buff

    Hello and welcome! I just wanted to introduce myself, and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at

    It can be a little overwhelming around here at first, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

    -Kate the Book Buff
  • Clark Lohr

    Hi Mary.
    Fights for the protagonist's soul in a good way, huh?
    Or not. Either way, sounds good. My crime novel's title, Devil's Kitchen, is a local name for a boulder field in Skeleton Canyon, in SE Arizona. I do have a heroine with paranormal abilities and interests; a red-headed wiccan paralegal who teaches her partner, a rather stodgy-minded homicide investigator, how to use all of his brain.
    Clark Lohr
  • Clark Lohr

    Right now I'm waiting to hear from a publisher and I understand there's a strong possibility I'll get a contract. I have no agent, although I've queried many. Do you have an agent? Thanks for your interest.
  • Copper Smith

    Thanks for the friendship.
    Now get to work on that second novel!
  • Clark Lohr

    Hi Mary,
    Here's a film camera image I took years ago with a Hasselblad, did it as a painting with light, using colored gels. My son-in-law, David Siddall just photoshopped it, making it look bright and menacing.
  • Sunny Frazier

    Mary, this is Sunny Frazier, the person who discovered Clark's manuscript in a neglected slush pile. He's that one-in-a-million people talk about, a whole lotta luck and timing involved in getting his book into production. 

    If you aren't dead set on going the agent route, why not pitch your book to me? I'm at Oak Tree Press.

  • Tim D

    I read the online blog called

    The website contains narratives of real criminals and their exploits.

    If you are looking for ideas for literary  character development, there is no better resource than

    I recall that the character called Buffalo Bill in the movie Silence of the Lambs was based on a Crimelibrary documented real-world criminal named Ed Gein.  There are tons of disturbed people to choose from at! 



  • Mark Porter

    Hi Mary, thank you for the acceptance. The profiler series sounds fascinating.


    Take care. Mark



  • Richard Godwin

    Hi Mary thanks for accepting. Best, Richard.
  • jack everett

    Thank you kindly Mary I need all of the friends I can get.
  • jack everett

    I note you like to review mystery novels would that include Medieval mystery as we have Back of Beyond coming out in October with Oak Tree Press? We also have our own blog just started on which we intend to review odd novels and invite guests: maybe we guest for each other. My e-mail is and my website
  • Noir Nation

    Hi Mary,


    I've been offline a few days finishing up a job I've been at ten years, and in crunch time for Noir Nation.  So don't have time to respond to everyone.  Yet.


    However, consider Bare Knuckles Press as a publisher, the editors are all literary guys, MFAs and all that, but who see the whole crossover Nabokov thing we discussed on the Forum.  They get it.  The first round of books comes out in September, will be looking for more then. 



  • Noir Nation

    Hi Mary,  the discussion on the forum about social commentary in crime fiction has gotten quite a lot of responses.  This has inspired us at Noir Nation to add a new section to the first issue of Noir Nation wherein writers opine on the following question: Must crime noir have a moral point?  The word limit is 300 to 500 words. Include short bio, and photo. There is a $25 honoraria, payable on publication. Best five get published in Issue No. 1. Send to


    -- Eddie Vega, Noir Nation editor in chief
  • Noir Nation

    Mary, since you are in the US, if you wanted to submit work to Noir Nation you would need to send it to the North American editor Cort McMeel at:  <> let him know you heard about it via CrimeSpace.