Kirk Wilson


Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My true crime book "Unsolved" has gone through five editions in the US (Carroll & Graf) and UK (Constable & Robinson, Magpie Books), under various titles and subtitles. My poems have been widely published in literary journals and in a chapbook from Burning Deck Press called "The Early Word." I live in Austin, Texas with my wife, the writer Donna Johnson. Many moons ago I edited the literary magazine at The Unversity of Texas, "Riata."
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Among contemporaries, John LeCarre, Walter Mosley, Jonathan Lethem, Mary Oliver, Stieg Larson, Marilyn Robinson, Donna Tartt, Tony Hillerman, Michael Chabon, James Lee Burke, and a hundred others.

Comment Wall:

  • Robin Richmond

    Thank you Kirk. It is hard work being a book dealer but a lot of fun.I think Im have got that or have had it