Jeannie Faulkner Barber

, Female

Kilgore, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Marshall, TX
About Me:
My debut romantic/mystery, Scent of Double Deception, should be out by next month. I also have a solo romantic/suspense, Taste of Fire, in the editing phase. I am The Pen Temptress. My blog is If I'm not writing or playing with the grandkid, I partake of my 2nd passion-drag racing. I met my hubby, Monte at the track.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
The Switch by Sandra Brown, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and Restore My Heart by Cheryl Norman and most all of William Faulkner's masterpieces.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Survivor and Dancing With The Stars

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  • Charlotte Williamson

    Thanks for the compliment on my name. My Mother liked Bette Davis. Charlotte was a popular name right around the time I was born, and Bette Davis played a lot of roles with that name. (always a bad girl - does that tell me something?)
    Getting ready to go to your website, now. Will get back to you later on your writings. Another fellow Crimespace member asked me to do the same thing. I printed his whole manuscript off, read it, and made suggestions then mailed it to him. It was a really good story. I like to help whenever I can, but it may be like the pot calling the kettle black.
    I'll take a look.
  • Jeannie Faulkner Barber

    Oh thanks so much Charlotte. I haven't gone back to finish all the editing for my NaNoWriMo story; the excerpt is on the website though.
    I'm trying so hard to get thru all the editing phases with the story I'm co-authoring. It's been written for a long time, but then we discovered there were "rules", of all things! LOL. But I definitely appreciate your time and your expertise. I'm blessed to have made a friend named "Charlotte".

    Please add me my requests full. Checkout my entries here on my second novel I'm writing---Moral Dilemma at: