Brandt Dodson

United States

Profile Information:

Newburgh, Indiana
About Me:
I am the author of the Indianapolis based, Colton Parker Mystery series that features hardboiled PI Colton Parker.
Like Colton, I was formerly employed by the Indianapolis office of the FBI and come from a long line of police officers, spanning several generations.
The lastest novel in my series, "The Root of All Evil" was released in January, with "The Lost Sheep" to follow in July.
I enjoy good books, working out (weights and heavy bag), travel and handgun competition.
Books And Authors I Like:
Anything by: Hammett, Chandler, Robert B. Parker, Koontz, and most anything by Tom Clancy.
I also read Eric Wilson, Mark Mynheir, Ed McBain, Mario Puzo, Lawerence Block, Jack Higgins, and the late Hugh Holton.
I'd recommend Jerry Healey too.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Monk, Law and Order, Everybody Loves Raymond, old films - especially noir films from he late '40's, The Godfather trilogy, the Bourne films, and anything with Gary Cooper (especially Friendly Persuasion, and Sgt. York) and nearly anything with Humphrey Bogart.

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  • Jess

    Hi Brandt, I enjoyed meeting you in Dallas. Haven't tackled those three books I bought--Seventy Times Seven, The Root of All Evil and The Lost Sheep but every time I glance over at my bedside table, I hear them calling my name. Soon, I hope!
  • JackBludis

    I meant to send you a congrats for the Colts (I'm from Baltimore), but my friend request accidentally and without the comment. Peyton Manning may be the best QB ever. I believed that he was doing places that first year he played in Baltimore.

    And yes, you have excellent selections of books, TV and movies.
  • JackBludis

    Still waiting for friend confirmation ...