Carolyn Rogers


United States

Profile Information:

Fort Worth
About Me:
What to put here? Formerly published with Silver Dagger Mysteries, I'm starting anew many years later, this time diving into historical mystery (late 1890's). I'm widowed, single but not (cryptic, huh--am a private person about some aspects of my life but then again, who isn't?), mom of two teenagers and two Springers, and work in the day job as a research analyst for an engineering firm that does all the mapping and data for a major railroad. Strange job, but I love it. I travel as much as possible--especially to Germany, which I have fallen in love with for many reasons. I'm going back in May. That's me in a nutshell, I suppose.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
My tastes run the gamut from books like MIDDLESEX by Jeffrey Eugenides, to Sarah Waters' books, to Harlan Coben to Jan Burke and other authors such as J.K. Rowling, Joe Lansdale (THE BOTTOMS--one of my all-time favorite novels) to RED LEAVES by Thomas H. Cook. So many on my bookshelves, so many more still to read. Current read is THE INSTANCE OF THE FINGERPOST by Iain Pears.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Criminal Minds. Torchwood, Touching Evil (UK), NCIS, various other shows both in the US and UK.

Comment Wall:

  • M.G. Tarquini

    Hey, kiddo! You need a photo!
  • Carolyn Rogers

    It shows it on the front page but not on here--it is annoying me. Hmmm.
  • M.G. Tarquini

    I don't see it on the front page. I'm no good with this stuff. Anne Frasier was there on the front for a while, then her photo went bye bye.
  • Daniel Hatadi

    Welcome aboard, Carolyn!

    Give the photo a couple minutes to update and it'll show up everywhere.
  • Carolyn Rogers

    It showed up and was too pixilated, so I've tried again. Now I'm waiting for the better one to show up.

    Now to write a blog--what to say! Ahh!
  • Duane Swierczynski

    Welcome, Carolyn, from a fellow Joe Lansdale fan.
  • Carolyn Rogers

    Duane, I saw Joe Lansdale at the I suppose now defunct mystery con that was held in Dallas every August (worst time ever, so hot) and bought THE BOTTOMS. I think...if I remember right...that he was either the guest of honor, or toasted the guest of honor. Oh gosh getting old--Bill Crider was there I think. I see he is on here too. Anyway, I picked up that book and couldn't put it down, and have reread it twice since. I never reread. Not sure why it touched me so (the main character, his father probably even more, the black doctor) but now I think I want to read it again. Thanks for the comment!
  • Carolyn Rogers

    Lonnie I did the same thing here and there! It gets stuck on occasion. How you doing? I have seen you here and there and it seems you are doing very well. I am too--now. LOL. Working on it anyway.
  • Bill Cameron

    Hi, Carolyn! Good to see you!
  • Lynette Hall Hampton

    Thanks for being my friend, Carolyn. We Silver Dagger spin offs need to stick together.
  • Mary L. Wheeling

    Hi, Carolyn. Thanks for befriending me!
  • Echelon Press

    Some people are like a bad penny. You just can't get rid of them. I can't tell you how thrilled I am that you are getting back into the groove!
  • Carolyn Rogers

    LOL watch it, woman! Yes, I'm getting back in the groove finally--and choose to work on something that will take me forever. But gotta do what you gotta do. Wish you still lived here. We could rumble.
  • PJ Nunn

    Wow, it's been a while! Great to see you here. How come we're not getting any older??
  • Carolyn Rogers

    PJ, hey!!! You remember me? HOw cool! What is this Dallas even in June? Hardboiled and Cozy cats? Hardboiled cats? Huh? LOL. I would love to attend that.
  • Carolyn Rogers

    Kathy--hope you see this. Are you notified when I answer? Hmm. Anyway, my dad had Richard Harris on the reel to reel. I can close my eyes and hear that music pouring through the house. I just wish I could remember the words... I can remember the tune--springtime, December I think... la la la... I wonder if he still has all those old tapes. Leslie my sister and I just loved laying on the living room floor and listening to those old things. Smile.
  • Carolyn Rogers

    LOL Kathy, no that wasn't the one in my mind, it was sung by Robert Goulet (oh what a voice!) And I found it! Ooohhhhhh I can hear him now!!!! LOLOL. Not a very crimespacey topic but hey!

    If ever I would leave you
    It wouldn't be in summer.
    Seeing you in summer I never would go.
    Your hair streaked with sun-light,
    Your lips red as flame,
    Your face witha lustre
    that puts gold to shame!

    But if I'd ever leave you,
    It couldn't be in autumn.
    How I'd leave in autumn I never will know.
    I've seen how you sparkle
    When fall nips the air.
    I know you in autumn
    And I must be there.

    And could I leave you
    running merrily through the snow?
    Or on a wintry evening
    when you catch the fire's glow?

    If ever I would leave you,
    How could it be in spring-time?
    Knowing how in spring I'm bewitched by you so?
    Oh, no! not in spring-time!
    Summer, winter or fall!
    No, never could I leave you at all!
  • Elizabeth Dearborn

    Hi Carolyn, best of luck with your historical mystery, and have a wonderful time in Germany!