Merrill Young

, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Langley, B.C., CANADA
About Me:
I'm an old ,ecentric costume lady, planning for my retirement by collecting hats and books and stockpiling good scotch. Also, I don't spel verry well. Newest update- went back to school to become a career counsellor in a desperate attempt to generate more income for future book buying.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Authors-Peter Robinson, Noir anthologies, Peter Bowen, Sparkle Hayter,James Lee Burke, Mark Billingham, Louise Penny, Ed Dee, Ken Bruen, Ian Rankin, Nancy Martin, Lawrence Block, Jane Haddam, Ray Bradbury, Rex Stout, Ed McBain, C.S. Lewis, Connie Willis, Giles Blunt, Peter Temple.,Liz Evans, Zoe Sharp Anyone who writes in the 'Florida Wacko' genre.
Books- GWTW, In a Dry Season, The Time Travellers Wife, Little Women (really)
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Classics- screwball comedy, musicals, B/W noir.
Odd bits- American Dreamer, Buckaroo Banzai;The Last Starfighter, The Blues Bros.,GWTW, The Princess Bride
TV- not much- stuck in the 80's- Hill Street Blues, Northern Exposure .
Nowadays? House, Antiques Roadshow, past seasons of Buffy!

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  • Mari Sloan

    LOLOL! I'm awaiting new glasses so we'll see if that helps cure my ability to typo freely. Somehow I think I'll stay the same, with or without the glasses.
    Spooky came to us as a foundling and took over our house. It was only later that we realized that the wild eyed baby with the huge head and tiny body was actually a Maine Coon cat, very intelligent, very well-behaved and the best of all animal worlds. Yes, I'm definitely owned. :-p
  • Mari Sloan

    Your hat is SO cute! I miss a lot of stuff that appears on my page, too.
  • Merrill Young

    Hot damn!
    I won my LCC 2009 registration fee! Amazing what you can achieve when you are no longer afraid to act like an idiot!