James K. Bashkin

Profile Information:

St. Louis, Missouri, USA
About Me:
I'm a scientist and work on discovering and developing new drugs for the prevention of cervical cancer.

I write professionally in the technical arena (science articles), and like nearly all scientists, I review articles for scientific journals. I have also been a journal's (associate) editor and serve on an editorial review board. But all of that is for chemistry. I have published one non-science article (on track & field) and a couple of scientific editorials. I also had a poem published in a vanity press (I wrote it when I was about 15). I do have a few posts on science in my blog (issues of public interest), and in many cases I do know the scientific authors whose work I discuss personally. I always disclose this. Since I don't do anything professional in the fiction arena, I'm not checking off the editor box, etc.

I'm an avid fiction reader and recently started writing about the books I read at nearlynothingbutnovels. This is in part because I felt I was reading books at a pretty fast clip, but was having trouble remembering titles & authors (though I didn't have any trouble remembering the stories), so I thought I would cement my memories into the bloggoshere. More important is my love of sharing great books with friends, which I now extend from the friends I know to the friends I don't know (to quote my younger son, when he was 5). I don't know any of the fiction authors personally, yet, though I have met a number of them and also know the sister of one. I will disclose any personal relationships where appropriate.

There is a very high proportion of crime fiction in my overall fiction diet. I also tend to read a lot of "international crime fiction".

Stop by and comment on what I've said, if you like, and I'll be browsing your sites and linking to them ASAP.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Cara Black, Charlotte Jay, Alan Furst, Arturo Perez-Reverte, Elliot Pattison, Gary Disher, Ian Rankin, John Le Carre', John Straley, Philip Kerr, Qiu Xiaolong, Robert Wilson
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Closer, Homicide: Life on the Street, Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, Numbers

Comment Wall:

  • James K. Bashkin

    Thanks! If you want to delete my comment from your page, feel free. Confused again, I thought I was sending you a private note instead of a public comment. Best wishes, Jim
  • Eric Stone

    Hi James, welcome. I noticed that you like "international crime fiction" so I figured you might find my stuff of interest. I'll check out your site and get back to you.
  • D K Gaston

    Hi James. Thanks for taking the time to become my friend and adding my name to your blog. I like your site, it's very informative. I will start pointing readers your way.
  • Delphine Cingal

    I was happy to see my friend Cara as top of your list :-))) I also love Perez Reverte, Ian Rankin
  • Cara Black

    You read the authors I love. Thanks for including me among them, it's an honor.
    I appreciate you inviting me and sharing the research work you do.
    Delphine's an incredible font of knowledge in all things 'polar' and John Harvey
  • Delphine Cingal

    I went to see your blog and found it very interesting.
    Have a nice day
  • James K. Bashkin

    Thanks, Delphine. Jim
  • Cara Black

    yes, where is Linda Barnes??
  • Elizabeth Zelvin

    Jim, your Aunt Gladys sounds very cool indeed. I spent my high school years in the late 50s hanging out in Washington Square with the folkies and ALWAYS brought my guitar to parties. :)
  • Libby Hellmann

    Thanks for the comment, Jim, re; Buddy Guy's... Sorry you won't be up here. I haven't read Linda Barnes' book but I have read several of Ace Atkins. Wonderful depiction of the Blues.
  • Charlotte Williamson

    I'm new at the writing and promotion game, and even newer to the world of "blogs." Can you explain in detail about "Blog Carnivals?" It sounds like I could post chapters of my books there to get people interested in them.
  • Charlotte Williamson

    WOW! What a lot of info to digest! I'm one of those "hunt & peck" sort of people, as opposed to "design and build" It's sort of like, I know how to drive a car, but I don't know how it runs or what to do if it stops running. That's my life in re to computers. I've operated computers since the early 70's, but they have progressed so far in technology, that it blows my mind. I sometimes find it hard to keep up. So I learn a lot from people like you. Thanks for your patience and thanks for the explanations. I learn more every day.
  • charlene

    Hi! How are you, Jim? I am searching for Silent Spring. I am very eager to read it!
  • Cara Black

    Happy New Year James!
  • carole gill

    Love your page and profile. And thanks for the invite. Would you believe I absolutely loved organic and inorganic chemistry in high school and beyond and then did zip with it?!
    anyway all the best!
  • carole gill

    thank you for that. all the best and I hope your year is great too. I found what you wrote interesting. I suppose chemistry would change along with other sciences. hmm i'll have to think about that.

  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi James
    Your background is unique for this site, but intriguing to me. I was an editor on Pharmaceutical Executive for seven years, so I interviewed a lot of scientist in search of cures. Very passionate and noble people.
    On the subject of crime writers, Leslie Glass is one of my favorites (when she's writing about April Woo).