A Brewster Smythe

71, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Fort Wayne, Indiana
About Me:
I am the moderator of Blog Writers and Artists Network here on NING and would love to get to know more of you - I am a fan of all things crime- but my tastes are wholly eclectic. Hope to get to know you !!
Books And Authors I Like:
Patricia Cornwell, Ann Rule, Elizabeth George, the list is never-ending- I also like Richard North Patterson, James Patterson, J.A. Jance, and Iris Johannsen.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Movies too many to list. Not a big fan of most of the shows on tv now--but am a fan of Jericho and Law and Order.

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  • Lynette Hall Hampton

    I finally found someone who told me that Jericho wasn't on the week we both thought we missed it. I think I'm pretty well caught up on it now. How about you?
  • A Brewster Smythe

    I found out the same thing. I kept trying to find it on Demand. As my frustration mounted, I decided to do a little detective work. My daughter, Rita, is also a fan and said she had heard that they weren't showing it either. I suppose my detective skills are pretty elementary. Perhaps a job as a ticket taker at the local theater would be more appropriate?
  • Lynette Hall Hampton

    Wasn't Jericho riviting this week? I was thinking seriously that I'd like to pinch the police chief's head off. (An expression I heard a lot when I was a kid.) Still don't know why the guy had to leave town, afterall he wasn't the one with the gun when the arguement started. It did make for a good dramatic situation though. I guess the "fake FBI" will be the next big evet.