John DuMond

60, Male

Albany, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Albany, NY
About Me:
I've been a die-hard crime fiction fan since reading my first Elmore Leonard novel in 2002. Occasionally I do a little writing, myself. My stories have appeared in Jake Magazine, Flashing in the Gutters, Powder Burn Flash, Defenestration, DZ Allen's Muzzle Flash, and the ebook anthology DISCOUNT NOIR.

I live in Albany, NY, where I work as an investigator.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Donald Westlake, Richard Stark, Elmore Leonard, Jim Thompson, James Ellroy, Raymond Chandler, Victor Gischler, Charlie Stella
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Heat, Snatch, Star Wars, Free Enterprise, Alien, The Terminator, Fight Club, Goodfellas, Payback, Black Hawk Down, The Road Warrior, Get Shorty, Reservior Dogs, North by Northwest, Tombstone, Unforgiven, Enter the Dragon, Dirty Harry, Bullitt, High Plains Drifter, Grosse Pointe Blank, Clerks

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  • John DuMond

    Hi, Aldo. My holiday was OK, thanks. Busy, though. I've been working midnights, so not much time to get much done on the personal side. I'm off until New Year's night, so I'm hoping to kick back some. I think I hear some beers in the fridge calling my name.
  • roger smith

    Hey John -- enjoyed your blog.
  • roger smith

    Thanks John.