Adam Haynes

50, Male

Los Angeles

United States

Profile Information:

it was on an island off the northern coast of Maine
About Me:
I'm a crime writer. I write screenplays and novels. Tom Waits once said he was more interested in whatever music was half heard down the motel hallway. I think that describes the characters I write about. Somebody once said David Lynch movies were about finding love in hell. That desribes my stories. My last book, The Lonelies, was banned by the Texas State Prison Authority for what they considered graphic depictions of S&M related torture, which they felt would encourage antisocial behavior amongst the prisoners. My first produced script, The Pleasure Drivers was banned from my grad school, The American Film Institute, because they have no taste.My new book, White Light, does not take its title from the Velvet Underground album.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Elmore Leonard, George V. Higgins, William T. Vollman, Robert B. Parker, Harvey Pekar, Patricia Highsmith, Dennis Cooper, Ryu Murakami
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Trouble In Mind, Choose Me, The Crying Game, Mona Lisa, The Hit, The Grifters, Year Of The Dragon, Angel Heart, Blue Velvet

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  • Adam Haynes

    Here's your honesty: it's all about luck and knowing the right person. I went to the American Film Institute and through there gave this particular script to a friend who gave it to a friend who gave it to a friend who got it to the director, who decided to mortgage his house to do it because he misunderstood all my themes. So if you have any film contacts, USE them, and if you live to network then your chances go up too.
  • mtmorgan

    Trouble In Mind and Choose Me-- 2 favorites of mine as well.
  • John McFetridge

    Glad you liked Dirty Sweet. Yeah, Elmore and also Richard Price and James Ellroy and, well, there are plenty. I used to have the poster for Choose Me on my wall.

    I just started reading your novel on your website - love the line about not wanting to go outside for a smoke in front of the free clinic... looking forward to the rest of it.