Lynette Rees


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales
About Me:
I write romantic suspense novels. So far I've had four novels published: three by The Wild Rose Press and one with Samhain Publishing. I've also self published an e-book, 'Crafting the Romance Story'.

I've had many articles and stories published both online and in print publications. Some of my publications include: Ocean Magazine, Vibrant Life, Wonder Years [U.S]; Horizon Magazine, Suite 101 [Canada]; Living Now [Australia]; Writers’ Forum and Carillon Magazine [United Kingdom].

I've recently completed a new crime fiction novel, 'The Clock Strikes Twelve'.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Peter Robinson, James Patterson, Karen Rose, Edna O'Brien, Jackie Collins etc.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Sopranos, Rescue Me, The Godfather, Damages and The Good Wife.

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