Paula R. Stiles

Profile Information:

About Me:
Currently, I am the editor at Innsmouth Free Press. I publish speculative fiction and non-fiction (I'm a Templar historian). My specfic frequently crosses over into the mystery genre, as with the mystery SF novel I published with cowriter Judith Doloughan, "Fraterfamilias", which has been reissued in print and you can preorder here: It ships starting December 6.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Librarian, Editor, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Arthur Conan Doyle, B.J. Oliphant, Stephen Saylor, Lindsey Davis, Joseph Wambaugh, James Ellroy.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Big Sleep, The Maltese Falcon, Mildred Pierce, Gilda, The Two Mrs. Carrolls, The Wicker Man, Desolation Sound, Da Vinci's Inquest, Da Vinci's City Hall, Intelligence, The First 48.

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  • Larry W. Chavis

    Happy New Year, and all the best in your writing in 2008.
  • Paula R. Stiles

    ROTFL! Thanks, Linton. It's sort of a private joke. I worked at a zoo a while back that had a grown-up litter of snow leopards. The female in the group was a real character. Had a *very* dry sense of humor.
  • Sheri Fresonke Harper

    I hope you have a merry Christmas and happy holiday season :) Sheri