My first novel, Done Deal, was published in 2008 and won me a short-listing in the New South Wales Genre Fiction Award and mentoring from Varuna Writers House. The sequel, Washed Up, also won a NSW Genre Fiction Award short-listing plus, better still, a mentorship from the Australian Society of Authors - one of only seven offered throughout Australia for genre fiction. However, despite some nail-biting near misses, it is sll awaiting publication. Meanwhile, the third book in what is intended as a series has reached the 72,000 word stage and just needs me to unravel some plot situations to run it down to the finish line.
Tony, it's taken me a long time to get this far, and I've had the generous guidance of many, many mystery writers. All of them say a literary agent who charges you any fee whatsoever (except a commission on an advance or royalties when they've gotten you a contract and the publisher has paid the money) is not a legitimate professional. Some good places to start are (which does charge an annual fee of $30 for the service but for that you get hundreds or even thousands of listings that are updated constantly and filled with important information about each agency) or Liz
Many thanks, Elizabeth. I'll investiage. I have my first book going the rounds and receiving some encouraging comments, plus being short-listed for the NSW Genre Fiction Award. But we have only six agents in Oz and most of them don't want to take on new writers - too much work and risk. The second book featuirng the same main character is at 80,000 words and coming to its climax - so I need help in getting them to market. I'll try your recommended spots. Thanks a lot. Cheers, Tony
Elizabeth Zelvin
Feb 14, 2008
Tony Berry
Feb 14, 2008
Karen Tyrrell
Apr 25, 2011