Tony Berry




Profile Information:

Melbourne, Australia
About Me:
My first novel, Done Deal, was published in 2008 and won me a short-listing in the New South Wales Genre Fiction Award and mentoring from Varuna Writers House. The sequel, Washed Up, also won a NSW Genre Fiction Award short-listing plus, better still, a mentorship from the Australian Society of Authors - one of only seven offered throughout Australia for genre fiction. However, despite some nail-biting near misses, it is sll awaiting publication. Meanwhile, the third book in what is intended as a series has reached the 72,000 word stage and just needs me to unravel some plot situations to run it down to the finish line.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
Ian Rankin, Garry Disher, Peter Temple, Shane Maloney, Donna Leon, Henning Mankel etc etc

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  • Elizabeth Zelvin

    Tony, it's taken me a long time to get this far, and I've had the generous guidance of many, many mystery writers. All of them say a literary agent who charges you any fee whatsoever (except a commission on an advance or royalties when they've gotten you a contract and the publisher has paid the money) is not a legitimate professional. Some good places to start are (which does charge an annual fee of $30 for the service but for that you get hundreds or even thousands of listings that are updated constantly and filled with important information about each agency) or Liz
  • Tony Berry

    Many thanks, Elizabeth. I'll investiage. I have my first book going the rounds and receiving some encouraging comments, plus being short-listed for the NSW Genre Fiction Award. But we have only six agents in Oz and most of them don't want to take on new writers - too much work and risk. The second book featuirng the same main character is at 80,000 words and coming to its climax - so I need help in getting them to market. I'll try your recommended spots. Thanks a lot. Cheers, Tony
  • Karen Tyrrell

    Hi Tony, Thanks for connecting here. Congrats on all your successes :)) I'm sure you've left a comment on my website some time. Is that right?