Caro Soles



Profile Information:

Toronto, Canada
About Me:
I'm a writer of mysteries, science fiction, and anything that makes a good story! I love to read but often can't when I'm writing, because I tend to lose interest in anyone else's world but my own.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
James Lee Burk, Val McDermid, Peter Robinson, Louise Penny, Denise Mina, James Lee Burke
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Boston Legal
CSI (but not Miami)
Law and Order(s)

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  • Poisonguy

    No problems Caro, I'd love to help you out. Just don't wait til the last minute, because I usually have a lot of questions surrounding the actual poisoning. It's actually what happens peripheral to the poisoning that gives it an authentic feel. Ciao.
  • Lindy Cameron

    Hi Caro
    and yes, I'm a huge Val McD fan. I'm also lucky enough to count her amongst my friends - albeit long-distance.

    PD Martin, Kerry Greenwood, Leigh Redhead and Kathryn Fox, Sydney Bauer, Alison Goodman, and Narelle Harris are all female Aussie crime writers. the Aussie blokes are Shane Maloney, David A Rollins and Geoffrey McGeachin.

    All the others on the list - Janet Evanovich, JM Redmann, Nelson DeMille, Tom Robbins (that's Tom, not Harold) and Steven Pressfield - are American.

    Tom and Steven don't write crime but they do write very very well.
  • Donna Carrick

    Hey, Caro, Congrats on the acknowledgement for "Drag Queen...", that must be very gratifying! And isn't it great in TO today? If this isn't a prelude to spring, then my kids don't own skates! heh heh
    Best in writing,