I'm currently developing an idea for a crime serial to go on sites like Youtube. The opening sequence includes a photo montage of murder victims, ranging from the classics like knife to the chest and bullet through the forehead, to more unusual fare like suffocation by badger (for example).

So does anyone have any fake photos of murdered bodies I could use? Would anyone be interested in mocking up a murder and sending a photograph of it on?

I will stress that I don't want pictures of real murders. I don't want anyone to go out killing people and photographing the results on my account, even if you're just trying to be helpful. Depending on the response, I might come up some awards for 'most imaginative', 'most gruesome', 'most realistic', etc.

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"I don't want anyone to go out killing people and photographing the results on my account..."

Oh. Well, uh... Never mind then.

I'd pay to see suffocation by badger.


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