closed now, and thanks everyone! Technical question: Can a Detective On Vacation Time Solve A Murder?

Set up: A New York City Detective (not a P.I.) has taken vacation time (suggested by his superior because of emotional trauma)--only he wants to solve a murder.
No one's going to stop him chasing down the murderer (he has leads).
He also has help from his partner in New York (while there).
But! Can he, would he also get any assistance from other police departments, say in other cities?
Or would the fact that he is on his own time, be a problem?
Thanks in advance--those of you who can help me with this!

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Carole, technically he is off-duty and out of jurisdiction so no, he would not be able to work the case. As a professional courtesy, the local authorities might give him some info, but for him to actually attempt to work it would ruffle feathers resulting in phone calls between Chiefs. That's the reality answer but it's fiction, so you have lots of latitutde.

For the record, jurisdiction rules when it comes to who can work a case. The rule of thumb is wherever the crime was committed - that's the investigating jurisdiction. We get calls all the time at my PD from victims who want to report crimes that occurred in other cities and they are gently redirected because we have no jurisdiction.

Felicia Donovan
Nominated for the Barry Award, "Best Original Paperback"
thanks so much!
I just copied it in my "cop stuff" file.
Great advice and from one who knows.
I was always afraid to fictionalize anything about procedure--but I suppose I can sometimes, althoughI'd rather have it basically true to life.
I see what you mean about jurisdiction.
You've helped me lot, Felicia!


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