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THE MAN WHO NEVER RETURNED by Peter Quinn.  Never read him before.  Only a few chapters into the book, but enjoying its sly pacing, characterization and hints of what's to come.
John Harvey, FAR CRY.  John Harvey writes about as good a police procedural as anyone, Scandinavians included. This is no exception.  (Though I did think it got just  tad long at the end, but that happens to me a lot)
Not currently reading but eagerly anticipating the December release of Robert Ellis's third procedural crime thriller featuring LAPD Detective Lena Gamble. His earlier two Lena Gamble books were praised by the likes of Michael Connelly and were named top summer reads by People, USA Today, and the New York Times. Bob's success consistently inspires me to keep pushing and I'm proud to call him a friend. Check out his writings, I think you'll enjoy them.

Ken Bruen, THE DEVIL.  I love Ken Bruen's Jack Taylor series.  When it's good, it rises to a fine literary novel level. It reads like poetry at times.  It delves into some of the darkest corners of the human mind without ever forgetting what is great about being human. It is also funny while it is bitter.  I have said elsewhere that in this series Bruen doesn't write noir, as everyone claims. Noir is a fad at the moment, but basically it's simple stuff. It's sex and murder.  This is more complex. 

However, in this novel Jack, the lost soul, goes out to kill the devil. Yes, Lucifer!  Make of that what you will, but it's still a terrific read. :)

Has anyone been reading the John Cleaver series by Dan Wells? I polished off all three books in the series by audiobook on a road trip. Interesting spin on the supernatural crime thriller.


--Brian Ray

Hi! I'm new here, thought I'd join in the discussion.  I just finished Three Seconds, by Anders Roslund and Borge Hellstrom and am starting Ernesto Mallo's Sweet Money today.
Brian Evenson, Fugue State.

I started reading Jo Nesbo's The Redbreast last week and I'm about half-way through it.  It's very intriguing, I don't know what's going on.  It jumps back and forth between the year 2000 and the second world war.  The detective, Harry Hole, is one of those lovable rogue characters and I think I'll be moving onto another one of his cases very soon after finishing this one.


However, I plan to tackle Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy next.

Oooh, vintage John Le Carre. I must get his most recent book. Love his characters

Reading Steve Berry's The Emperor's Tomb.


@Kevin: I've grabbed a Jo Nesbo book as well after hearing great things. Couldn't find them in stores so got it on Kindle. Then a week later I found 3 of his in the airport bookstore. Have you finished? Was it good?

@ Anyone: I hope someone has an opinion about Nesbo. I was about to purchase The Snowman for my Kindle last night but then decided to sample.
I have some problems with Nesbo.  Read DEVIL'S STAR (I hope I got that right;  it features red diamonds in star shape), and didn't like it because is struck me as farfetched even for a thriller.  However, others apparently like Nesbo very well.


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