Do you keep records of books you've read?
How long have you done it? Why did you start?
What do you use to do it? What do you record about each book?
How do you use your records?

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Back in 1975 I started keeping records in a notebook of Title, author and date I finished reading the book. I've done that ever since, and the count was up to 2,500 at the end of last year. Over the years I've found it a useful reference point if I suspect I have read the book before etc. I also think the act of writing these details down aids in remembering them. I've discovered I read just over 100 books a year, about 2 a week with a few extras on holidays.
But about 3 years ago, that simple record was no longer enough and so I set up a database which allows me to record many more details including a description and a rating for each book (1-5). So now I can generate 'what did I read' for a particular period etc and of course I can search the electronic record much more easily for a particular author, or tilte, or even words in the description.
Some might think this is a bit compulsive :-)
I started keeping records of books that I read back in 1979 when I was 13 years old. I'd write down the Author, Title, Date Completed, No of Pages. Somehow, after 28 years I still have the original exercise book that I started with. Back then I was heavily into The Hardy Boys and Doctor Who and would have had no hope of remembering which books I'd read and which I hadn't, so record keeping was vital and the habit stuck.

All the details have been transcribed into an Excel spreadsheet which also now includes lists of favourite authors and their books (sort of like a planner - these are the books I will read if I live to be 150 years old). I also record all of the books I've reviewed and the books sitting in my TBR pile in the order that I should read them.
I record book title, author, pub date, and personal start and finish dates on a spreadsheet. It started after high school as a way to motivate myself as I discovered what I liked to read for pleasure. Given the size of my library, I'm going to start recording when I've bought books as well.
Boy, do I keep records. I started somewhere around 1984. I track in two ways. I have a set of small notebooks, 20 at current count, I carry in a medium-sized LL Bean tote bag. There is one page, more if needed, for each author. I list all their books, pencil if I don't have it, ink if I do. Because I do collect books, if I have the book, I note UH11S (UK, Hardcover, 1st edition, 1st printing, signed) or whatever is appropriate and my ranking. Also, for books I've read, I keep an Excel spreadsheet with Author, Title, Genre, Setting, Time Period, # book or # in series, ranking, short plot summary and my review.

I use the information to keep me from buying duplicate copies of a book, remind myself whether I liked an author's previous books, find titles of an author's works. I should love to have all the information in one place but (1) I want to be able to carry it with me, (2) even LibraryThing doesn't quite satisfy my need and (3) there's so much information, recreating it all into another method would take way too much of my reading time.
I actually write mini-book reviews whenever I finish a book. I started doing it a few years ago when I realized I wanted to keep something akin to a personal journal, but really didn't want to write just about myself. So I note what I liked or what disappointed me about the book I had finished. Reading over them, I find that they are like what I would write if a friend asked me if I had read a certain book and what did I think of it. I plan to enter my next mini-review on my blog here at Crimespace. Currently looking for an online or ismilar outlet interested in printing such reviews in exchange fot sending me the books and byline.
I just started keeping track July 2006. So I haven't been doing it for very long. I don't read a great deal so I just write down the title author and what month I read it in. I might start jotting down some notes so that I remember better. We will see
For the past ten years, I've been keeping track of the books I read. I had done it for a couple years when I was around thirteen, so I was picking it up again. As a librarian, it's very useful to have a simple listing of author, title and a brief summary. I've used it for Readers' Advisory over the years, suggesting books for library patrons. I just keep the listings in a blank book. And, I own a terrific sentimental book journal. When my grandmother died at age 92, my mother gave me my grandmother's book journal. She had kept track of the books she read by title and author. That means a great deal to me because I would stop at the library every couple weeks and take a pile of books to her. In looking at her lists, I could see some of the books I had picked out.
Wow! I'm normal :). I thought I was a complete geek for keeping a list of books I've read. I only started doing so mid last year. I just do a simple list of book titles that I have finished. I started it to keep track of what I have already read, and to have a visible "achievement".
I've only really started buying books recently, but I've never kept track of what I've read from the library.

Apparently there is new software available for libraries to add to their systems that can keep a record for patrons of what they've previously checked out. Of course the big concern is privacy and the Patriot Act. If libraries can work out a way for people to opt out if they want to, I think they would be foolish not to take advantage of it. Personally, I would love to have a record right on the library database of what I've checked out-saves work for me-if I didn't finish a book for some reason, I can always mark that down independently, it's still less work than keeping track of all of them.
I keep records of the books I own, the books I've read and the books I receive for review as well as a books wanted list.

I put the in Excel and then save them on my palm pilot. When I go shopping for books I check the palm to be sure I haven't already picked up the same book and just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. When an author has a series I use the books I've read file to be sure I've read all the books that are out so far.

I started because I found myself at times buying a book I'd already read or owned. I've done this for several years. I only note the author's name, book title, year of publication and date read if I've read it.

Happy Ruby
I used to. But it was more to keep track of what books I had got. I am generally very good at remembering whether or not I have read a book before and because of my ecelctic taste it is quite easy for me to do so. I have stopped at the moment but have to restart doing it again.
Well I can see a few names and faces of those I recognize and not only are we readers we are listkeepers!

Like most I started with a notebook of just the books I had read...not being a very fast reader this became a problem when I started buying duplicate books so I started an Excel spreadsheet. I only list the title, authors first and last name, date read and the edition I have have, either mass market, hardback, trade or ARC. I also have a column for notes and date read. The only problem I now have is that I have stopped worrying about buying duplicates because I "keep a list" but the dang list is so big I have given up printing out a hard I still buy duplicates. But not as many!


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