I just finished Carol Anne Davis's Sob Story. Davis is a new (to me) author who writes intense psychological thrillers.

Now, I'll be reviewing it for Spinetingler anyway, and I don't want this to be about reviews anyway. This is about gut reactions. I had a bit of trouble taking the mental shift into this book at first, I think because of what I'd been reading around the time, so I put it down, cleared my head with something else, then picked it back up. And couldn't put it down. I'm a slow reader and I just picked it up again yesterday - now it's done. It kept me turning pages way after my bedtime last night.

So, reading anything good these days? Last book that had you sitting up half the night chewing your nails?

Up next for me: Adrian McKinty The Bloomsday Dead

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The paperback release of THE BOOK OF LOST THINGS contains extra material by JC. It's worth the £6.99 to buy it and find out more about how the book was written and the research into the 'fairy tales' JC did.
Just noticed the brackets. That was me responding in my reader hat, anyway. And bookseller one, too.
Geesh, if you only just noticed the brackets I would have expected you to say something more interesting.

And you owe me an email.

Oh, and Dundee, The City of Discovery? Oh the restraint required.
Currently reading (and thoroughly enjoying) JD Rhoades' The Devil's Right Hand. One of the reasons I'm being slow with it is that I got my copy of Out of the Gutter the other day and I'm both reading that (loved your story, BTW - nice work) and writing something I intend to submit. (Plus there's the job, the mother in hospital, everything else, same old excuses...)

I read Dope last year and loved it, so I asked Santa for Come Closer. Read it in a day over the hols, couldn't put it down. Both were books that stayed with me. Superb stuff.

Next up? Charlie WIlliams (Fags and Lager) or Joe Hill (Heart-Shaped Box), I reckon. Of the books on the TBR pile, they're the ones biting my arse the hardest just now.
Glad to hear you're enjoying Out of the Gutter. The feedback has been great.

And sometimes (life things being very legitimate deterrents) it's nice to savour a book too. I'll get right into one and then be kind of depressed it's almost over. The only thing that prompts me forward is that I have to turn in reviews.

Sometimes when I get to the end of the book I feel like I'm losing good friends. Hence my love of series books...
Oh god I know! Sometimes I find myself reading too quickly for the number of pages that are left and I have to close one eye or something to try to slow down.There can be a real feeling of bereavement, too.

Incidentally, I can wholeheartedly recommend The Man Who Was Magic by Paul Gallico. It's an oldie I read for the first time when I was a kid and off school poorly, and I now have a first edition (cost about a tenner, so not bragging!) and make sure I read it from time to time (gobbled down in one sitting - lovely!). Not only is it a sad indictment of the things people value, but Mopsy the talking dog can actually talk! Yay!
We owned a talking dog named Taco when I was a kid. People don't believe that, but her prior owners had taught her to say, "I want one" as a trick. She was quite the dog.

At least I'm not the only one who consciously tries to slow down sometimes!
You should really get back to reading The Devils' Right Hand now.

Seriously, glad you're enjoying it.
Yes, SIR! I'm off to London later today, so have some train time to fill. I'll be reading and writing and your bunch of miscreants are coming along with me. So, by the time I get home tomorrow night, I'll be done. (And on Amazon come Friday, ordering up the next one... it's a hard life.)
Sandra - I know, here I am procrastinating...

Julie - Fags and Lager (but if you haven't, you must read Deadfolk first!) and then King of the Road.

Hill's good.

But Williams is a genius.
I read Deadfolk not long back (also unputdownable) and King of the Road is being ordered just as soon as Fags and Lager has been consumed. Did you see Mr W's three-part short story which he posted on his Myspace recently? Mint!
Me too, me too.

I want a Capri - but definitely NOT a white one :)


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