Reminder: Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Contest Opens 1/24/11

If you haven't already entered, or aren't aware, Amazon's breakthrough novel contest is going to start taking entries soon. 


Follow this link to set up your account: CreateSpace


Good luck everyone and let me know how you do. 

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Thanks for the nudge!
I am entering, a military-political thriller. My third time (she sighs). Are you entering Bernard?
I am.  It will be my first time entering the fray. first time entering a contest, period.  But it seems worth it.  Best of luck, Jacqui.  Let me know how you do.

Wish I could but I'm just too busy with a Kindle series I'm in the middle of

I may just be selling 5 or 6 units a month with it but I figure if I hang on, word of mouth should spread and my numbers will spike a bit


Good luck to all who enter their novels in this Amazon contest!


I went through the first ABNA contest, and it was an exciting adventure.  At that time, they had a period where readers could review and rate an excerpt.  Do they still do this?  My entry was ranked 9th overall by the readers, but I didn't make the finals.  Still, it was gratifying to see how people reacted to the work.


Best of luck to whomever chooses to enter.

They have excerpts on CreateSpace. Not the same, but you can get feedback. I'm fine not getting feedback from random people. It's hard enough getting through the critiques with my writer's group, but no pain no gain. Other than that, I like to pretend I'm writing the next best seller.


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