Suppose you were a successfully published writer who had a well developed, and well liked, main character. But a problem arises: you want to put that character in a different century and in a different social/ethnic/cultural background in order to solve a crime.

A major problem. But what do you think of this idea? You put that character in that setting and you give the character all the traits (and perhaps a few more) of the one already established. But instead of calling him 'Jon Champion' you call him 'John Rogers Champion.' You make your historical character the great-great grandfather of the current character.

Why wouldn't it work? Character traits run in families through genetics. Why not this? What do you think (and has this ever been tried before?)

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Mike--this is a hypotheical discussion I decided to put on in here in an effor to help someone over on FaceBook. Actually he's the one that has the well-established character. But he wants to take him to a different country and a different era.

It's been an interesting discussion.
Of course it has been done before..even without alteration in the name. There was even a TV series, TALES OF THE TEXAS RANGERS that alternated week to week between contemporary adventures and "old west" adventures...starring same to actors as the same two characters -- except different generations of those "characters"


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