What crime/mystery/thriller are you looking forward to the most this fall?

Fall is finally here and all the newest thrillers are due up on shelves (or already out)


What's everyone looking forward to the most?


I'm wondering if Tom Clancy's Dead Or Alive will live up to the hype. Although...come to think of it...there hasn't BEEN any hype about it as yet. or is it a titch too early for the publsihers to be pushing it? It comes out mid-December and we're approaching November now.


Anyway, I was curious.

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There's a lot going on in Djibouti. I'm too much of a fan to write any kind of a review, but it's not really a crime novel, it's much more post-modern experimentation. Most of the book is two characters looking at film footage of the action (she's a documentary filmmaker and he's her assistant). I think it's really worth taking a good look at why some scenes are described as the action happens and which ones are looking at the footage. This is really a book about how people look at the world, more than a book about its plot.

And Elmore is having a lot of fun. One of his rules of writing is, "Never use the phrase, 'And then all hell broke loose,'" so it's funny when the filmmaker, looking at the footage, says, "And then all hell broke loose," and her assistant says, "You ever really say that?" In some interviews Elmore Leonard has said he didn't realize what the themes were in his books until Scott Frank wrote the screenplay adaptation and the interviewers and reviewers all accepted that, so it's funny when the assistant, watching the footage, says, "There's your theme coming out, right there."

I think if this book had come from someone with more of a literary reputation it would be looked at quite dfferently and people would be talking about different aspects of it.
Me too. I'm dying to read it.
I am looking forward to the reading new Elmore Leonard book this fall. Or I may wait until the paperback comes out.
John, I agree that Leonard would be looked at differently if he had a more literary reputation. He has had some interest from that sphere, and will have more I am sure.
The new Dennis Lehane sounds great...
I heard a lot of good things about Laura Lippman's "I'd Know You Anywhere" ... so much so that I made a rare investment in the hardcover because I just couldn't resist the critical raves. And, I'm pleased to say, it delivered on all levels. It's nice to see Lippman, a fine genre writer, continue taking confident steps into full-blown literary crime fiction that satisfies.
I want to read the latest Elmore book too, and also the latest one by John Le Carre.
Just finished Michael Connelly's REVERSAL. (Thank you, my friend). The book is very good, though perhaps not as good as THE LINCOLN LAWYER. It features both of Connelly's protagonists working together, and the plot is handled very well, never over the top, yet keeping you turning the pages.
I'll have to pick up Lee Child's "Worth Dying For." I always enjoy his work. Ditto for Robert Crais. By the way, the audio book of The Devil's Due, the second book in my Twist of Fate series, was released last week. I'm looking forward to listening to it when I drive back to Las Vegas. Andrea Bates is a great narrator.


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