
40, Female



Profile Information:

Frankfurt/Main, Germany
About Me:
I'm a 23 year old German student - and a book addict!
Books And Authors I Like:
As long as it is mysterious and murderous ;-)
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
CSI, Grey's Anatomy, The Closer, Law & Order

Comment Wall:

  • Steven Torres

    Welcome. If you like murderous, you'll like Crimespace.
  • Tom Cain

    Hope you enjoy yourself on here ... I, like many british authors, am hugely grateful to the generosity both of German publishers and readers ... You are much more open to our books than we are to yours.
  • Todd Mason

    I've been working professionally today with US showings of TATORT. Is this series any good, or particularly beloved in Germany?
  • Karen from AustCrime

    Hi Kathrin - nice to see you here, there's some great discussions for readers going on :)
  • Lyn LeJeune

    Glad you're here. I studied German history in my first life and then became a writer. My book, The Beatitudes, is a paranormal thriller set in New Orleans. It will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. Libraries support the infrastructure of a great city, so I have started The Beatitudes Network to promote awareness of the importance of public libraries in NOLA.
    The blogsite www.beatitudesinneworleans.blogspot.com describes the Network, has excerpts from The Beatitudes, recipes, and more. Merci mille fois. Lyn Lejeune.
    Writers, please pass the word…..it’s for a good cause….don’t let the libraries of New Orleans or the US go the way of The Great Library of Alexandria. P.S. just posted an excerpt on my page here on crimespace.
  • jur

    viele grüße nach frankfurt!
    hast du bestimmte lieblingsautoren??

    let me know...

    glg jan
  • jur

    hehe, ja klar, ich schaue nur das beste... *grins*
    schaust du tatort? (nein, ich bin nicht von der gez!) wenn ja, welche?
    also ich finde dr. house klasse... geiler humor eben...

    was studierst du denn?

    glg jan