Susan Whitfield


United States

Profile Information:

Dudley, North Carolina, USA
About Me:
I taught English for thirteen years, became a high school principal, and eventually started to write, something I'd always wanted to do. I started out to write a short story and it transformed into a mystery novel. I'm a life-long resident of North Carolina, having had the pleasure of living near the beach and in the Blue Ridge Mountains. My novels are set in the state I know and love. The Logan Hunter series includes Genesis Beach, Just North of Luck, Hell Swamp, and Sin Creek. I'm now working on the fifth one. I authored a unique cookbook, Killer Recipes, which includes recipes from mystery writers all over the country. My first women's fiction, Slightly Cracked, will debut in October.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Favorites? There are so many! Patterson's Cross series is awesome. I also like Deaver, Gerritsen, Sandford, Scottoline, Maron, Lane, Mary Alice Monroe. Cathy Holton is adorable. A new discovery is DH Dublin's series, starring Madison Cross. I've read all three and anxiously await the next one. He gets right down into the tissues.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Law and Order: SVU

Comment Wall:

  • Susan Whitfield

    If you live in North Carolina, join me at the Steak Barn in Goldsboro on January 17th from 5-6:30 pm for the official Book Launch of Just North of Luck, the second novel in the Logan Hunter Mystery series.
  • Dorien Grey

    Hello, Susan:

    Thanks for inviting me to your Crimespace Friends list...I'm happy to oblige. I enjoyed looking at your website: very simple, clean, and uncluttered.

    So you live with 66 Canadian geese, eh? I hope they all have their own rooms. Anyway, I do hope to get to learn more about you and your work (and maybe vice-versa) here on Crimespace.

    Best Regards,

  • Eric Eckert

    Hi, Susan!
    Thanks for your message, and thanks for the encouragement regarding the master's. I'm hoping to finish this semester, but it seems to get harder the closer I get to the end. Congratulations on your book! What an awesome accomplishment. If I lived in N.C., I'd be at your launch party. However...

    Keep in touch.

  • Sylvia Dickey Smith

    Hey, Susan, yeah been on it for a good while, but get sidetracked easy! Glad to see you here. And yes, I've got a lot of catching up to do on my writing, too!
  • Dick Lochte

    Hi, Susan --
    Thanks for inviting me to your list. I agree with your fondness for Deaver, Gerritsen and Sandford. I might like the Cross novels more if I didn't have to pick two or three of them to get a complete story.

    All the best,
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Susan,

    I found your message on my guestbook. The paperback version of 'A Study in Red' should be available in about three weeks according to my publisher. It will then be available to order through Amazon, W.H.Smith online etc. I've sent you a friend request and I can keep you informed if you like, and let you know as soon as it's available. Thanks for wanting the book. i'm delighted to know that it has caught your interest, and hope you enjoy it when you get it.


  • Brian L Porter

    You say your hometown is Dudley. Is that Dudley in the UK?
  • Brian L Porter

    Ah, I see, well I'll certainly keep in touch about the book. I've studied the ripper murders for 35 years and this book is kind of a labor love for me. I hope you enjoy it.
  • Mark Stevens


    Thanks for the interest & support. If you'd like a signed one, one of the easiest options might be to order one from your favorite places (Amazon or one of the others) and have it shipped to me. Then, I'll take care of postage shipping it back to you. If that works, I'll send you the mailing address via another e-mail address I'll pass along. What do you think? Again, thanks.
  • Marta Stephens

    Hey Susan!! Thanks for finding me here and connecting. Chillls, huh? ;) You're comments about Silenced Cry on B&N are some of my favorite!
    How's North of Luck doing? All the best.

  • Marta Stephens

    PS: Cool cover!
  • Mark Stevens

    I'm open to any other suggestions about how to arrange it...!

    E-mail me (if you don't mind) at and I'll pass along my mailing address.

    Thanks !
  • Goldie Alexander

    Hi Susan,
    Thanks for contacting me. I look forward to us getting to know each other better.
  • robert walker

    Hello Susan and thanks for adding me as a crimespace friend. I am trying to figure out how this all works -- old dog, Pongo and me learning new tricks. I did manage to get up a blog of 3 ingredients that are a must in writing short stories and or novels on my crimespace. Anyone interested, take a look.
    Again thanks, Susan --

  • Clea Simon

    Hi Susan,
    Thanks for the invite. I look forward to getting to know you. - Clea
  • Susan Whitfield

    Robert and Clea, it's amazing what you can learn from other writers here. Everyone is very willing to share how-to instructions or give you places to go for help. I found a real gem today.
  • Susan Whitfield

    Robert and Clea, it's amazing what you can learn from other writers here. Everyone is very willing to share how-to instructions or give you places to go for help. I found a real gem today.
  • Susan Whitfield

    Robert and Clea, it's amazing what you can learn from other writers here. Everyone is very willing to share how-to instructions or give you places to go for help. I found a real gem today.
  • Susan Whitfield

    Welcome, Tim and "Northern"!
  • Jordan Dane

    Hey Susan--Thanks for the friendship and best wishes to you in 2008.
  • Robert Freemyer

    Hello Susan, Thanks for the invite and I'll add you to my page. Got to go google you now as I still have problems with this site.
  • Jon McGoran as D. H. Dublin

    Hi Susan,
    Thanks for the invite. Congratulations and good luck with the launch!
  • Debbi Mack

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for the invite. Best of luck with your latest book.

  • Brian L Porter


    I thought you might like to see the video trailer for the ripper novel at


  • Susan Whitfield

    Brian, I've already seen it and it's AWESOME! I'm in the process of getting one for Just North of Luck. I'll let you know when it's up. I can hardly wait for your ripper book to get into my hands!
  • Susan Whitfield

    Welcome, Debbi and Jon(D.H.). This is a great site and I hope you enjoy and learn from these folks as much as I have.
  • Douglas Quinn

    If you get a chance, got to Book Marketing Network and read my article entitled "Create Entertaining and Memorable Characters." the URL of my blog page there is; Any comments or questions will be answered.

    Douglas Quinn
  • Mark Stevens

    Antler Dust on the way to you and thanks for yours. I moved it to the near-top of the TBR pile. Looks good ! Thanks,

  • Alison Bruce

    Hi Susan,

    thanks for the add, interesting use of the word piddled, we just use it for 'piddled down with rain' or 'piddled in a potty', Alison
  • A. C. Ellis


    Thanks for adding me to your list of friends.

    Good luck with your writing!

  • Brian L Porter


    Thanks for the wonderful review of 'A Study in Red' . So glad you enjoyed it. I know it gave you 'the creeps, but of course, that was the intention!

    Thanks so much once again

  • Susan Whitfield

    Hey, Leighton! I just changed it! Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I've tried to do that before and it didn't "take", so I'm pleased that it will be easier to readers to but it now without a hassle. Best of luck with your reading and writing. Susan
  • Peg Herring

    Thank you for the great review on Goodreads. It was a pleasant to surprise to join and find that I was already a presence!
  • Susan Whitfield

    You're very deserving. Congratulations on a great read!
  • Susan Whitfield

    Linton, thanks for the heads up. I've just fixed it. Thanks for the comment about the cover of Just North of Luck. Yes, the concept was mine. I'm very proud of it. do you actually know where Dudley is? WOW! Glad to know there are North Carolinians here.
  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Susan
    Thanks for posting a great review of THE SEX CLUB on Amazon. It's especially rewarding to be praised by talented writers.
  • Susan Whitfield

    You betcha! Congratulations on the success.
  • Jon McGoran as D. H. Dublin

    Hey Susan,
    Thanks for your wonderful message, I really appreciate it.
    No background in forensics, I just researched my ass off (seriously, it used to be pert and muscular... okay, not really, but I did do a lot of research). The research part was fascinating and fun and I met a lot of great people, but man it adds to the workload. The next book is Freezer Burn, and it comes out June 3, 2008, so I'm starting to gear up for that. I see you're doing a radio, interview, that's excellent. My only advice; if it starts to drag, feign Tourette's...
    Thanks again, and keep in touch!
  • Susan Whitfield

    Your books are very believable. I couldn't find a bio on you, though, so I wondered about the background. Nevertheless, you've hooked me and I await Freezer Burn with great impatience!
  • Lillian Porter

    I enjoyed your website and will look for your books. The only comment I have about the site is having a place for comments. The only link I found was for signings etc.
  • carole gill

    Oh the Blue Ridge Mountains! I read something like that and I want to take the first plane back!
    I'm not from there--a new yorker originally, but I loved the South and have never forgotten the sight of those gorgeous mountains!
    just had to say hi and tell you!
  • carole gill

    I'll be right over (if only) and we can sit on a porch with a pitcher of lemonade and eat pecan pie!
    sometimes I get homesick for all things American!
    one of these days!
  • Susan Whitfield

    How about lemonade and blueberry pie?
  • Jon McGoran as D. H. Dublin

    Hey Susan,
    Thanks! You made my day.
  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Susan
    Just saying hello because I saw your lovely face online. Hope you're having a good day. Hope the writing is going well.
  • Susan Whitfield

    L.J.! Great to hear from you. Listen, I just posted a note to the main forum here and I'd like your opinion if you use any software during your writing processes. I'm about to plunge in to a rather challenging mystery and think maybe a little more organization of thought my be beneficial. Hope you're doing well on every level as well. Thanks for stopping by.
  • Susan Whitfield

    Sorry! It would help if I proofread my comments as well.