Dorien Grey


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Im the author of the 13-book Dick Hardesty Mystery series, the 2-book Elliott Smith paranormal mysteries, and a Western romance/adventure novel, Calico. Four of the 10 books in the Dick Hardesty series have been finalists for a Lamba Literary award.

You can read the first chapter of any or all of my books on my website (

In addition to my website ( I have several blogs: "Dorien Grey and Me" at , AuthorsDen (, and among others.

My philosphy in writing is that it should be like a conversation with a friend, and I consider each of my readers as such. I'd be pleased to have you be one of them.

I also really enjoy hearing from readers, and you can reach me at any time through,

Nice to be here. Thanks for stopping by.

I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
While one of my greatest frustrations is in not having nearly enough time to read, I'm very eclectic in my tastes: each book I read...if I like it enough to finish my favorite until the next book comes along.

But my very favorite book of all time is Robert Lewis Taylor's "Adrift in a Boneyard," now long out of print, but its style and sense of humor have, I hope, become part of my own writing.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Movies? Schindler's List; E.T., Sister Act; Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Empire of the Sun (do we see a Lucas/Spielberg trend here somewhere?). As with books, there are to many "favorites" to mention.

TV shows? Lost, Supernatural, much of the programming on the History Channel, some on TLC, and some on Discovery.

Comment Wall:

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  • Theresa de Valence

    Hi Dorien,
    As a matter of fact, I read one of your titles and enjoyed it immensely (put it on my Best Reads of 2007, as a matter of fact), but alas, I didn't also write a review. You can see this year's bests at:
    Regards, Theresa
  • Theresa de Valence

    'Tis me.

    The site:

    DorothyL page:

    Best of 2008 page:

    Sometimes my head would fall off if I didn't keep it screwed on . . .
  • Dorien Grey

    Dear Lord, where have I been for over a year??? All of a sudden Google refers me to this page and I find all these great posts, some of which I'd never seen before. If you left one of them, I do hope you don't think I was being intentionally rude by not having responded immediately. I appreciate them all, and will just have to do my best to come back here more often. Not always easy with only 24 hours in a day.