Keith Dixon

, Male

Rode Heath

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Rode Heath, England
About Me:
I'm a writer, editor, proofreader and copywriter and I've published two crime novels, with the third on the way. I have a blog that focuses on how crime writers write - in other words, how do they create their own particular style?
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
Anything by James Lee Burke, George Pelecanos, Elmore Leonard, Robert Crais, Patricia Highsmith, Lawrence Block, James Hall, Tim Dorsey, Joe Lansdale. Most of Jefferson Parker, Carl Hiaasen and James Crumley. No British crime writers make my cut.
Then add in Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck and John Dos Passos.
And Kurt Vonnegut.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
At the moment:
Mad Men
Breaking Bad
The Walking Dead
NYPD Blue (deceased)
The West Wing (deceased)
Movies: Too many to mention - some current favourites:
The Bourne trilogy
A Clockwork Orange
Mulholland Drive
Citizen Kane
The 400 Blows

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  • Jochem van der Steen

    Hey Keith... James Burke and Block are personal favorites as well. If you like that stuff you should visit
  • Keith Dixon

    Hi Jochem
    Yes, I just did - it looks good! I'll keep it in my favourites. I forgot to mention George Pelecanos and Walter Mosley, who your interviewee also mentioned. My latest favourite is Joe R. Lansdale - an East Texan writer who is both exciting and comic at the same time. Oh, and let's not forget the great Elmore Leonard!
  • Poisonguy

    Keith, if you're the Keith I'm thinking about, I critiqued a story of yours way back on another site (CC). Set for Saturday I believe it was called. Good stuff. I remember another story of yours - though I blacked out on critiquing it (blame the ouzo) - The Secret Place. It was a 2x4 to the back of the head attention grabber. What've you done with it?