Relentless Aaron

59, Male

United States

Profile Information:

Mt. Vernon, New York
About Me:
I am the author of more than 32 books. I publish other authors. And major motion pictures are being produced from my best selling books. I create, publish market and speak for a living.
Books And Authors I Like:
Guy Johnson "Standing At The Scratchline."
Elmore Leonard (Any book he's written)
Lawrence Block (Any book he's written)
John Grisham (Any book he's written)
Sidney Sheldon (Any book he's written)
David Balducci (Any book he's written)
Harold Robbins (Any book he's written)
Ken Follett "Eye Of The Needle"
Thomas Harris "Hannibal"
Movies And TV Shows I Like:

Comment Wall:

  • LaTanya Pattillo


    Saw a feature on you a while back on the news and wanted to give you props. Your drive is inspiring.

  • Relentless Aaron

    What makes a great writer and storyteller? It's not a college education. that's for sure! Your experience lends to your level of awareness, and you level of awareness, coupled with some imagination and a degree of writing know-how is the right mix. More than that, in todays world, you also have to have people skills. The days of Rushdie are over. Mass communication is a necessary boost that gets your message (your book) into the eyes, ears, and hands of so many others.
    Master these keys, and you will become a successful author just as I have!
  • Relentless Aaron


    Lady First by byRelentless Aaron. St. Martin's Griffin, $14.95 paper (272p) ISBN 978-0-312-35936-2

    In Aaron's latest steamy relationship drama (after Extra Marital Affairs) a sharp African-American kid goes from bagging groceries to bedding a famous retired African-American TV actress and co-creating a successful modeling firm, Premium Fudge Unlimited. Only problem is, Spencer Lewis gets a lot more than he bargained for when he becomes Tia Stern's personal assistant "to handle the common things in life." That includes cleaning her bathroom, helping her spend her divorce settlement and being at her beck and call in the bedroom and out. Becoming her live-in help is fine by Spence and he's thankful for the fabulous perks, including his new digs in the moneyed part of Stamford, Conn., and Tia's help in launching his dream modeling agency. But her dramatic, self-obsessed ways begin to bother him, especially after they hire Cassandra Evans to help manage Premium Fudge. Suddenly, being Tia's "nurturing confidant" with hot young models around, plus two women who want his body begins to spell t-r-o-u-b-l-e. Aaron's depiction of Tia as the dream woman–turned–nightmare devouring diva is over-the-top, but that's Aaron's style, and the book's a hoot. (Nov.)


    If you don't already know and your head has been under the dirt, Relentless Aaron is the LEADER of the STREET LIT/URBAN LIT movement. He's been featured in The New York Times, The Hollywood Reporter, The Daily News, EBONY MAGAZINE, on ABC WORLD NEWS, as well as NPR with Ed Gordon. Relentless has also made a number of appearances on the Michael Baisden Show, expressing his views and opinions as one of the most prolific figures of our times. Bar none, in an industry that has become tougher to win in due to the FLOOD of similar books and stories to hit the market, Relentless Aaron has managed to outshine them all. Here's some more evidence...

    Recently, Relentless Aaron has signed many publishing & entertainment deals, including the historic 14 BOOK DEAL with St. Martin's Press. This will insure that the Relentless brand will be a staple in the mainstream bookstores throughout the world, including Barnes & Noble, Waldens, Borders, and even Wal Mart. Considering there are so many hundreds of thousands of books published every year, it is at least telling that Relentless Aaron has been able to not only overcome those odds, but also to succeed in moving those books OUT of the stores and into the hands of readers. Furthermore, Relentless has signed a subsequent publishing deal with Simon & Schuster/G-Unit/Pocketbooks that will expand his reach with the help and collaboration of popular rapper 50 Cent. That book, Derelict, just hit book stores in July, and is fast disappearing from shelves. Moreover, Relentless is already managed by hip hop's dynasty, VIOLATOR MANAGEMENT, which places him in the company of Missy Elliot, 50 Cent, Busta Rhymes and LL Cool J. In fact, LL Cool J has now come aboard the first Relentless film, PUSH (about a Harlem thug-turned real estate developer), directed by industry great, Bill Duke, and expected to be distributed by CBS/SONY pictures. Embarking on the film industry, leading in the publishing industry and mastering his craft, Relentless Aaron has earned the right and the reason to be proud and honored with the title: The Father of Urban Fiction. His stories are riveting, well written, and they are many. Now 32 books in all, Relentless Aaron's stories range from crime dramas to erotic tales. There are epic sagas such as The Last Kingpin, as well as there are psycho dramas such as Triple Threat, erotica- Platinum Dolls, action/drama-Rappers R In Danger, and the latest thrillers Extra Marital Affairs & the forthcoming November release: Lady First. None of the stories are the same, and the 30 books are not a part of a series. Relentless is more than talented; he is a RENAISSANCE MAN. Think Paul Robeson. Think Sidney Poitier. Think Malcolm X. Because, Relentless Aaron has shown his many talents like Paul. He's a gifted pioneer like Sidney. And he's a rebel-reformed, like Malcolm. Indeed, Relentless has been there and done that, structuring a world of success in the past 14 years, beginning with the writing of over 300 songs, to the more than 30 novels, his daughter's book: ABC's For A Positive Me!, as well as the self-help books I Did It, You Can Too! and MY SECRET, coming later this year, and now blessing us with dozens of videos on YOUTUBE, theatrical releases and soon a reality show? Can you leave a FEW stones unturned Relentless Aaron???

    AND NOW others are doing business with Relentless Aaron, commissioning him as a "ghost writer." You need a book written, whether it is to accommodate a movie you have produced, a profession you command, or if you merely want to tell the world your story, I'm your man, says Relentless Aaron. "But, I don't come cheap." And yet his work is thorough and can at least earn you the recognition you've been wanting all your life. You don't have the time to write because there's your busy schedule to handle? Then let Relentless Aaron do the grunt work. Within 2 to 4 weeks, your book will be done. One week later, your book can be in print and on store shelves. True story. Relentless Aaron is THAT good, and his marketing savvy is not to be challenged. Step up to the plate and ask for a consultation with the master storyteller. Read about him in this past June's EBONY MAGAZINE, or visit the star author's website:

    You will be amazed at all of the thousands of happy faces – the readers who have been enjoying Relentless Aaron's books for years!