Jannie Balliett

, Female

Austin, TEXAS

United States

Profile Information:

Austin, Texas
About Me:
I call Austin- Central Texas home, but have lived in North and East Texas, (never made it to South and West ) preferring the piney woods of East Texas life, which I plan to someday retire.

I run a writers workshop for the new and intermediate writer most days, but leave alot of workload to my assistant when I'm stretched thin. Freelance editor for my editorial service, (wish it was for a publisher or magazine) and a free-lance writer still building credentials while beginning a professional writing career.

Member of Sisters In Crime, The Short Mystery Fiction Society, Brazos Writers Group, and other affiliations.

Some short stories, poetry, and flash fiction, are published in The Writers Post Journal magazine and scattered elsewhere, and Whim's Place first anthology, ON A WHIM, offered by Barnes & Nobles and Amazon in 2008.

My current MIP is a paranormal crime thriller, LEAVE A WHISPER with another one in the back of freezer, marinating, where it remains until ready to be thawed. (which might take awhile--it's been there off & on twenty years) My MIP is earmarked as a series for the team, Detective Meadows and forensic psychic Toni Taft, to continue their efforts together catching the serial killers that prey on women.

I'm owned by a two year old Boxer named Roxxie. She is my soulmate. I've noticed so many people on Crimespace have cats, and a few in another class like me, have dogs. Please join in on Peta's effort to end cruel testing on animals. Take a moment over a cup of morning coffee and go to these sites. The "getactive" site has a wonderful built-in email letter system with one click to send a letter protesting Iam's. Let's all do our part and help save animals from this inhumane cruelty!

Tell Iams You Won't Buy
While Animals Die!




I Am A:
Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
"Watchers" by Dean R. Koontz, years ago, somehow inspired me to pickup my writing again and become serious. Koontz has a way of bringing his characters alive and entwining his readers in the their lives and that impressed my impressional mind. I was reading Stephen King, but Koontz has better characterization, so I've abandoned the King.

"The Architech" by Keith Ablow, a six-time best selling author, and leading forensic psychologist who now has his own tv show. I have had the honor of corresponding with him about my own book.

I love reading all the wonderful crime and mystery authors I've had the pleasure of associating with through Sisters In Crime and The Short Mystery Fiction Society. There are too many to name, but I applaud you.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
My not-to-miss television shows include the three CSI shows and the three Law & Order shows. I love Criminal Minds, Numbers, Shark, 24 and The Unit. Rains is up and coming and not bad. (does anyone get the impression all I do is watch tv and never write? Answer: Wrong! I don't get much sleep ;) On another note, I enjoy the Dresden Files and John Doe. The humorous side of me, loves Yes, Dear, King of Queens, and Everybody Loves Raymond, and let's not forget, re-runs of Seinfield. The writers for those sitcoms really astonish me with their one-liners and micro-mini flash approach to their shows. It just goes to show you, you can utilize words at their best to convey what you want, in less. And admit it, Monk is one of the best. Who ever thought of a OCD detective? 'Gotta love Tony Shalhoub's acting ability in this role. (Don't forget House!)

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  • Laura Benedict

    Oh, I've always wanted a boxer! But Hrothgar was at the pound the day we went, and he's a charmer. There are so many cats on Crimespace--More dogs, I say!
  • Shane Gericke

    Ooh! Somebody else who loves Dean Koontz's Watchers. One of my favorite novels ever.
  • Jannie Balliett

    Hi Shane. Yes, his characters and the Golden Retriever got to me. I was so fascinated with Koontz's awesome charaterization that I decided to start writing again. I'm glad I did. So if I ever get my novel published, Koontz is to thanks ;)

    Glad you popped in!