Mystery and thriller writers vary in age, sex, religion, political persuasion, hair color, as well as lack of hair, and in so many areas, I’d better stop here, but you get the point. So many differences, that it is amazing we are, more often than not, quiet-living, loving people, eager to help fellow writers, who are our competitors in a field that narrows almost daily.

While most of us sit down alone and face the cold, blank page on our computer, our characters also share a trait. Alone, and against overwhelming odds, many of the characters in mysteries and thrillers search out justice and they have to face outrageous situations that make them draw on an inner courage that we, as readers, have to wonder about. Would we find that courage in ourselves, under the same circumstances?

Do you, as a reader or writer, know anyone really like Jack Reacher, Elvis Cole, Dave Robicheaux, Alex Rutledge, John Cuddy, Max Freeman, Thorn, Harry Bosch, or one of your favorite author’s characters? Do they even exist off the written page?

I doubted if real people existed that were like those characters, but a few weeks ago, I heard about a courageous woman, who, as only befits the twists and turns of any good mystery, is a mystery writer.

Patry Francis’ book "Liar’s Diary" comes out in paperback today, Jan. 29, but, unlike many of us writers – me included – who would be eagerly signing copies of our books on its release date, Patry won’t be. She is fighting cancer.

I probably relate better to what she is going through than some, because I am a cancer survivor and though it’s been more than 30-years since I heard those frightening words, I remember them, the operation and six-months of cobalt treatments as if it were only yesterday. Facing ones mortality head-on has to be one of life’s most terrifying experiences.

Patry could have withdrawn, could have given up, could have survived for a while on sympathy, but, instead, she faced the bastard head-on and continues to fight the good fight. She blogs almost daily and shares the many complicated facets of her struggle and talks about writing.

If you want to meet a real hero, go to her blog and see what an amazing and courageous woman Patry is.

Here is a brief synopsis of "Liar’s Diary." To learn more about Patry, visit her website, If Patry’s website or the synopsis piques your interest, please buy or order a copy of "Liar’s Diary" today.

Liar’s Diary
What would you do if your best friend was murdered—and your teenaged son was accused of the crime? How far would you go to protect him? How many lies would you tell? Would you dare to admit the darkest truths — even to yourself?
Jeanne Cross is an ordinary suburban wife and mother with a seemingly "perfect" life when Ali Mather arrives on the scene, breaking all the rules and breaking hearts. Almost against her will, Jeanne is drawn to this powerfully seductive woman, a fascination that soon begins to infect Jeanne's husband as well as their teenaged son, Jamie.
Though their friendship seems unlikely and even dangerous to their mutual acquaintances, Ali and Jeanne are connected by deep emotional needs, vulnerabilities, and long-held secrets that Ali has been privately recording in her diary.
The diary also holds the key to something darker. Though she can't prove it, Ali is convinced someone has been entering her house when she is not at home-and not with the usual intentions. What this burglar wants is nothing less than a piece of Ali's soul.
When Ali is found murdered, there are many suspects; but the evidence against Jamie Cross is overwhelming. Jeanne's personal probing leads her to the question none of us would ever want to face. What comes first: our loyalty to family—or the truth?"

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