My agent called today. CRIMSON SWAN has sold!!


My first first major book deal... to quote Mater from Walt Disney's Cars, "I'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park!"

Don't know dates yet, but I'll keep everyone up to speed on the developments. I'm so excited right now, I don't think I can sleep. :-)

Views: 22


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Comment by Jeri Westerson on May 30, 2008 at 2:03pm
Congratulations! Stay on that cloud as long as you can. Then drift slowly back down. There's a lot of work ahead. But it's a good kind of work...
Comment by Dana King on May 30, 2008 at 6:18am
Many congratulations on the good news. May the sales boost your spirits as much as the initial contract, keeping you around for many more.

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