Don't know why it is, but I didn't notice until now that I have deigned to highlight the WRONG Elaine Viets title. The other one is a reprint that just happens to be coming out this month. Oy!
Anyhoo, here's the title I was supposed to be helping spread the word about: Murder with Reservations.

Now if someone could just tell me how to get a decent post with picture on this ning thing I'd be happy. Where's a good blogger widget when you need one?

Views: 29


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Comment by Dee Savoy on May 28, 2007 at 12:02pm
LOL Chris,

That you could. Thanks for stopping by.

All the best,
Comment by Chris Redding on May 27, 2007 at 4:45am
Whoops. Now I can put the right one on my to by or borrow list.

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