CHASING THE DEVIL'S TAIL (Private Investigator-New Orleans-1907) – VG
Fulmer, David – 1st in series
Poisoned Pen Press, 2001 – Hardcover
Creole detective Valentin St. Cyr is hired by political boss, Tom Anderson, to stop the "black rose" killer of Storyville
prostitutes. The primary suspect is Buddy Bolden, a friend of St. Cyr's.
New Orleans is a fascinating city. Fulmer does a remarkable job of depicting the sights,
sounds, smells and social structure of that city, particularly the "red light" district of Storyville. I learned about jazz and Buddy Bolden, of whom I'd never heard and who is considered to be the father of jazz. But I also became involved in the very good, page-turning story with strong, memorable characters. If you are a fan of American history, jazz, New Orleans, or just love a really good book, I'd give this one a try. For me, his second book, JASS, is already on my TBR shelf.
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