The True Magic of Harry Potter

I have written a thank you note to JK Rowling. Hand written on paper, of course, as that is how thank you notes should be done.

I felt compelled to write to her, in gratitude for something her latest and last book "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows" brought to me.

I have been reading the Harry Potter books to my daughter since she was five years old. It has been our tradition that with each new book, I read it out loud to her. With the arrival of the seventh book, I figured she was too old to be read to. She's nearly twelve and she's so sophisticated now, knowing everything about fashion and electronics and pop music. And she's quite capable of reading the book on her own.

Saturday night as I was reading the book myself, she came over and asked if I would read it to her. We went into her room, she got into bed and I sat in the rocking chair next to her and read to her until she fell asleep. Then I tucked her in and kissed her good night.

It has been years since I read a bedtime story to my daughter, although I used to do it every night when she was small. I always thought reading to a child is the best thing about being a parent. I can't describe the utter joy it was to have that experience one more time, that even though my little girl is not so little any more, we still have that bond of loving a good story.

Thank you, Jo Rawling.

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