I have a December deadline and ten pages written, so...what am I doing here, you might ask?

Procrastinating, of course. I've never blogged before, and I fear that the number of words I write here will be in inverse proportion to the ones I write for the new book, tentatively entitled BEAN THERE, DONE THAT. At least, that's what I want to call it. I have a feeling my editor will want the word "grounds" in the title to match the first two books in my coffee series, UNCOMMON GROUNDS and GROUNDS FOR MURDER.

Either way, I'm happy. Thrilled, in fact. Hey, I've gotten to see my name on a book and that book on the bookshelves--the culmination of a lifelong dream. And two more in the pipeline. What's NOT to be happy about??

Gratefully off to write,


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Comment by Sandra Balzo on August 16, 2007 at 6:55am
Steven, I LOVE your ideas--can I steal them? My favorite is....okay, it's GROUNDS FOR DISEMBOWELLING, but BITTER GROUNDS actually would be just about perfect for this new book. I'd give you full credit in the credits, of course!!
Comment by Sandra Balzo on August 16, 2007 at 6:52am
Thanks, Naomi! It's not only painless, it's downright seductive. Now I'm not going to get ANYTHING done!!!
Comment by Naomi Hirahara on August 16, 2007 at 6:13am
Hi, Sandy? Now that was relatively painless, wasn't it? Good luck with your No. 3 child.
Comment by Steven Torres on August 16, 2007 at 5:16am
How about - THE GROUNDS KEEPER? about a man who...keeps...grounds?

Or BURIAL GROUNDS? Just have to fit in a burial.


GROUNDS FOR DISEMBOWELLING? If you decide to go hard-boiled.


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