The 6th annual West Hollywood Book Fair last weekend was hit --especially the track of mystery panels organized by local author John Morgan Wilson. There were a number of mystery fans --and writers-- in attendance.

After the LA Times Festival of Books each April, the WHBF has grown in a relatively short time to become the second largest literary event in Southern California. It is no where as crowded, however. Yes, people do read in Southern California; last year LA bought more books per capita than New Yorkers.

Mother Nature turned up the heat, and made it a sunny day (I bought two liters of lemonade).

Given that West Hollywood is a media town, a great deal of attention was spent on film and television; but print media still ruled the day. For authors promoting their books, or would-be writers, there were plenty of panels, too.

If you're a fan of quality fiction (especially mystery and suspense), an author or would-be author, keep the 2008 WHBF in mind.

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