First a reminder that I’m teaching and signing today at the Hanover Book Festival, 8094 Liberty Circle, Mechanicsville, VA.

AND, one place to find worthy additions to your home library is the Kindle Korner forum. I signed up to this Yahoo group hoping to connect directly with readers, and I find that many other authors have done the same thing. Generally the conversation here is all about what someone most recently read and which books they are considering next. There is always lively discussion about the books themselves, and occasional talk about the Kindle and how to make the best of one.

The moderators are tough on authors who go in just to promote their own work, so don’t worry about having to weed thru a bunch of advertisements disguised as conversation. On the other hand, it’s a place where you can ask writers literally anything and someone will respond.

If you have a Kindle, it’s the place to bond with other owners. Even if you don’t read ebooks, it’s a good place to hear about the latest books from objective sources – the people who have read them.

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