So, I'm a little stymied with Snaketown, and mucho distracted, because I've put a bid on a condo in my beloved Tucson, hoping to get back there sooner than August 1st. I can break my lease for medical reasons (I have COPD & asthma + it RAINS ALL THE TIME HERE!!!) So I'm very hopeful. While I'm thinking of moving, and actually packing, I'm stunned when along comes this idea (fully developed, except for specific incidents - which develop during writing) of a ghost story, set in the Pacific Northwest. It has OODLES of subtext and is quite a battle for the heart and mind of...which character? I'm its 'vessel' at the moment, doing research, the silliness of settling on the name of the characters and hoping it attracts a title. It doesn't matter if I know what it means, who named them and why; the character ultimately chooses. Which is why my main character in Snaketown is named Natty Bee. And loves it! Script Frenzy is for screenwriting what NaNoMo is for fiction. So the submission date for the Tony Hillerman Contest (novel set in the Southwest) is June 1st, but the most prestigious screenwriting contest, the Nicholl Fellowship, has a deadline of May 1st. Something wonderful to work for!

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Comment by KD Easley on January 31, 2010 at 1:53pm
Good luck, hope you get your condo.

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