In Israel, the Jews control the banks! They fill all the top positions in the media! They are behind all the major political powerbrokers! They even print the money!

Someone should look into this, Oliver, because I don’t think it’s just coincidence, and I know you’ll agree. I think you’re the man to expose it.

You said in an interview published this weekend that Hitler was “a Frankenstein,” and then went on to add that the Dr. Frankenstein who created him was an amalgam of U.S., British and German industrialists. You added that the Nazis killed more Russians than Jews and opined that, in spite of this, we tend to think of the Holocaust as a Jewish thing. (You said something else about having “walked in Hitler’s shoes…” but let’s just put that aside for now.)

On the one hand, Oliver, you’re an oaf who has had to apologize for his “clumsy association” about the Holocaust. Well, the art world needs oafs from time to time. Because on the other hand, Oliver, we all ought to remember that reality is much more sophisticated than the explanations of history which are handed down to us, honed and narrowed until they read very simplistically, ignoring inconvenient facts and allowing people to shout down those who point out such facts.

Read the rest of this post on my blog The Man of Twists and Turns.

Views: 23


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Comment by Matt Rees on July 30, 2010 at 5:27pm
John, You're quite right. Stone would be the man for Omar Yussef on the big screen!
Comment by cj forrest on July 30, 2010 at 5:47am
I like it, Jack. They can call it "Clash of the Egos."
Comment by Jack Getze on July 30, 2010 at 5:36am
I've always hoped Michael Moore would someday do a film on Oliver Stone. And visa versa.
Comment by cj forrest on July 30, 2010 at 5:00am
I agree, John. I never thought of Stone as a documentary guy. I think he should stick with what he’s good at – dramatic filmmaking. A Omar Yussef adaptation sound intriguing. I'm sure Matt would like the idea. Have you read any of them?
Comment by B.R.Stateham on July 30, 2010 at 4:32am
I think the Israelies are in an enviable position, in a way. No one can criticize them without being labeled Anti-Semitic. Which is foolish, since they are just as much the problem as anyone else is in regards to the Palestinian problem. And if no one can figure out how to budge them into actually solving the Palestinian issue, the US and Europe are going to face Jihadism for generations to come.
Comment by John McFetridge on July 30, 2010 at 4:26am
Oliver Stone should make the film version of the Omar Yussef books - that's the best way for him to approach the material.
Comment by cj forrest on July 30, 2010 at 4:00am
You bring up an interesting proposition for Stone, though a risky one from his standpoint as a filmmaker. How would you propose he approach this material while avoid being tagged as an anti-Semite? He has already been accused of being anti-Semitic, even if the claims haven’t been grounded. Plus, his mother was also Jewish. In the arena of political correctness none of this matters. My question is how does a filmmaker, or a writer for that matter, approach this sensitive subject matter objectively and honestly and avoid the fallout racist accusations? Attempts to explore such socially charged material often spells out certain career death for filmmakers, even though the intent was genuine and unbiased.
On a different note, your video promotions for your books and readings are excellent. I enjoyed watching them. Your Omar Yussef character seems quite fascinating. I look forward to reading your work.
Comment by Dana King on July 30, 2010 at 1:24am
Well, yeah, but Stone sure nailed that whole Kennedy assassination thing.

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