I think I've mentioned before that I don't like shopping. Any kind. But once in a while I need things. Stuff I can't get in a grocery store, unless I'm at Walmart. However, I don't like to buy my clothes and shoes there so off to the mall I went. Against my will I might add.

I timed it just right. Arrived there just as they were opening the doors. If the parking lot didn't give it away once I began walking the mall in my quest for a few items, it became obviously clear the place was dead. And I mean D.E.A.D.! I really enjoyed myself because that's one of the main reasons I don't like to shop. The crowds.

Then I began to feel bad for the struggling merchants. But that only lasted until I saw all the great deals out there. I managed to purchase 2 pairs of pants, a pair of dress shoes, and a dressy blouse at Dillard's all for under $100...and I did it all under an hour. The weird thing? I made 3 purchases at 3 different registers and each purchase came out to the same exact amount...$32 and some change. I left the mall thinking, maybe I should play the lotto or something.

The reason I had to go shopping? This Friday the girls and I go to see Phantom of the Opera.

And apparently you can't wear sneakers and peddle pushers to the theatre:)

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