Sometimes real life is as strange as fiction

Today is the debut of my new blog: Cats, Canines and Crimes.

I am new to blogging so it might take me a couple months to really get the hang of it. My plan is to update my blog once or twice a week with posts related to critters and crimes. Yeah, I know. They don't seem like two go together. But they do, at least they do in my work in progress. My protagonist is a fledgling Internet reporter and an animal shelter volunteer.

My first "official" post (I'm not counting the three practice posts on my blog) is about Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Guns, Corruption and Cover Up. No, it's not about a novel and it's not made up. It's about what happens when police officers in Riverside, California make a traffic stop and learn that the drunk behind the wheel in their police chief.

It just proves that Every Decision Has Consequences.

To read the post,which contains links to the newspaper articles and video of the traffic stop, click on the link below:

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