JackBludis's Comments

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At 12:30pm on August 12, 2007, Eric Stone said…
Lucky genes is all. First ballgame I ever went to was in 1958. I was five. For reasons that I've never quite understood, my favorite American League team (although, since the designated hitter came into being I can never be a true American League fan) has always been the Orioles.
Couldn't find "Blondes Blondes Blondes" - but that's not so unusual for me. I'll have to hunt harder when I've got more time later.
At 11:40am on August 12, 2007, Karen J. Laubenstein said…
Hi Jack - Yeah, my family's in Maine, so have done the trip many times now from East Coast to Alaska - glad you liked the slide show. Will upload some from today's trip to Denali. A photographer from Myrtle Beach said he was glad to be here and not home with that East Coast summer heat wave. You'll have Bcon in your neighborhood next year! I worked in Baltimore once and hope to get there for next year's B'con. I'll read your stuff before I go on one of those longgg flights from Alaska.
At 11:35am on August 12, 2007, Gemma Halliday said…
Hi Jack,
I love the old Hollywood era! I'll have to pick up one of your books. Which one should I start with?

At 11:15am on August 12, 2007, Steven Torres said…
The hardboiled cozy (in my practice) is a story with violence but which takes place in a small town where everyone knows everyone else. What I sometimes tell people is that the stories are like Mayberry but with more blood and the criminals don't lock themselves up at night.
At 11:07am on August 12, 2007, Silvia Foti said…
So true, but you'd be surprised who The Diva's Fool is in this mystery :-)

At 5:34am on August 7, 2007, Louisa Christy said…
Congos have bright red tail feathers. Timnehs have more of a wine red coloring. There is another subspcies, the Ghana. All in all, I find them great companions and funny.
At 12:07am on August 7, 2007, Felicia Donovan said…
Thanks for the comment, Jack. Looking forward to an interesting Fall...
At 11:28pm on August 6, 2007, JackBludis said…
I just looked it up ... Didn't know the subspecies of my African Gray, but he or she had a red tail. So it must have been a Congo. (I never spent the money to learn the gender of the bird.) Until today never knew there was a subspecies. It talked as a perfect mimic--in people's voices, whoever it learned from.
At 12:29pm on August 6, 2007, Louisa Christy said…
Do you have Congo or a Timneh?
At 12:25pm on August 6, 2007, Louisa Christy said…
Hi Jack.
Thanks for the welcome.
At 7:19am on August 6, 2007, Patrick Lee said…
Thanks for the invite! Those are some great writers on your list, too And The Elements of Style should be within arm's reach of every writer's desk.
At 9:16am on August 4, 2007, Simon Wood said…
Thanks, although the nomination has spooked me a bit.
At 7:23pm on August 3, 2007, Cormac Brown said…
Hello Jack and thank you much for the invite.
At 3:24pm on August 2, 2007, Simon Wood said…
I'm prepared to be scared a bit--and thanks.
At 4:45am on August 2, 2007, Simon Wood said…

You've convinced me to read The Road. I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about it...
At 1:57am on August 1, 2007, Dennis Venter said…
Although, authors like Crais, Child, Sandford, etc are more mainstream than haerdboiled. And with the emergence of folk like Swiercynski, Guthrie, Starr, Bruen and so forth, I'd argue hardboiled/noir is doing fairly well.

As for cozies - I guess we all have different taste. Explains how reality TV is so big and how Dubya go the keys to the kingdom, no?
At 11:04am on July 31, 2007, Geoffrey Proud said…
I'm with you on the present tense. It has spread like a virus in the TV doc biz, but so far I've been able to resist. Or, rather, "So far I am resisting."
At 10:53am on July 31, 2007, Jackie Houchin said…
Thanks, Jack. You have a wry way of writing! I checked out your website and like the New Guy on the Block story. Keep 'em comin'. And... you don't look a day over 17!
At 10:49am on July 31, 2007, Geoffrey Proud said…
Hello, Jack. Thanks for the invite. I thought I was reading my book list when I read yours. I know it's no longer cool, but I'm still a fan of the first person.
At 10:48am on July 28, 2007, Kelli Stanley said…
Yup, Jack, glad to hear you subscribe to Shakespeare was Shakespeare. So do I. He wasn't Bacon, de Vere, or (as much as I revere the woman) Elizabeth I. He was a middle-class genius whose father was a glover.

I haven't seen the latest Lehane, but I'll cruise around and look for it. Thanks for the tip! ;)

BTW, saw a great silent film a few weeks ago at the Silent Film Festival in SF--a "proto-noir" called A Cottage on Dartmoor. Splendid stuff. If you ever find it on TCM or anywhere else, grab it.

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