I think we're just talking spite at this point.  Completely insane.

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Yeah, and I finally got a Harriet Klausner review, a good one, four out of five stars. Usually she puts them up on Amazon but not today. She did put it at Barnes and Noble.

I hope they get this sorted out soon.
Aren't all her reviews four out of five stars?
Ha, I don't know, this is the first one of my books she's reviewed. I'll take any positive review I can get.
Mine was. Pretty sure she hadn't actually read the book. But yeah, a positive review is a positive review. Sort of.
A number of years ago, Harriet developed a reputation for giving 5 stars to everything. She was also accused of not having read, or only skimmed the books. This was partially based on the unbelievable number of books she reviewed in a year. I've had a couple of reviews from her that were pretty much publisher's blurbs. But I think, she's been trying to turn over a new leaf.

And yes, one takes a good review any time and says "thanks."
Yeah, gone in the blink of an eye, but taking days to reappear. Given the narrow profit margins in the publishing industry, I'll bet it stings pretty bad up in NY.
Update: looks like physical books are back up, but they're still absent from the Kindle store. At least mine are. So, progress.


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