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I couldn't get into it. Maybe the early hopelessness got me, but I really couldn't imagine where this book was headed and how it would make life mo0re meaningful.
I don't see the redeeming social importance in hopeless books.
The book ends with an unsentimental affirmation of life. As Dave Matthews says,
"make the best of what's around." That havng been said, I have no desire to see the
movie, even with Viggo in it.
Please give The Road another read; his books are surprisingly addictive once you near the end. I just bought The Girl Who Played with Fire. I am looking forward to some downtime this week to begin reading it, I've read only good comments. Thank you.
It's no more depressing than Glenn Beck and the apocalyptic hatred he's created on the right fringe. The Road is merely a book about the logical extension of that kind of thinking.
This may well be, but the lunatic fringe appalls me sufficiently not to be reminded of the dangers that loom.
Finished rereading Marcia Muller's LOCKED IN this morning even before getting out of bed. Last Sharon McCone for now, alas. But I can start Stabenow's A NIGHT TOO DARK as soon as I get some reading time. This weekend plus Monday have a packed schedule.
So, Joy. Any insights having re-read Marcia Muller works?
I'm not going for insights, just enjoyment. :-) Sharon McCone and Kate Shugak are my two favorite female detectives in contemporary mystery. They live. Intensely.
I read Mating Season over the weekend and loved it. Coffin is an interesting and quirky character; he is the kind a reader never tires of and hopes the author continues with a lenghty series. I started High Season last night and expect to be just as pleased. Good work, jon. I am happy to say that you now rank up there with my short list of favorite authors. Your book is full of interesting characters and creative twist. I felt like I was on Mackinaw island with the locals, who hate the tourist, called the "fudgies", yet know how desperately they are needed for the island's income. I recommend reading these books to any of you who have not already enjoyed them. Jon Loomis's depiction of a Cape Cod tourist town combined with the suspense and perfect amount of comedy is an execellent choice for anyone who enjoys lighthearted crime fiction.
Thanks, Melissa. You're very kind.
There's a character named Coffin? I'm so there.


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