After a recent discussion on the record keeping habits of readers, I was inspired to create an account at LibraryThing. One of the members here at Crimespace suggested that I also set up a group over there as well. I'm not sure how many of you use LibraryThing, but it's a fun and addictive way of keeping track of books, as well as a way to see what the other Crimespace members have in their collections.

Feel free to join the Crimespace group over at LibraryThing. If not, I thought I'd share with you all my semi-artwork inspired by the place.

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I used it when it first came out. It's much more complete now, but I haven't touched it in a long time. I've been using software called Book Collector from that uses a barcode scanner and pulls ISBN data from the LOC, Amazon, Powell's, Barnes and Noble and some others.

The scanner's a little buggy, but overall, it's pretty useful.
Mary's become addicted to LibraryThing too. I've come across software from Collectorz before, but I'm not really much of a collector. The social aspect of LT is what makes it for me, as well as being able to access it anywhere. A friend of mine bought a book for my birthday. Shame he didn't search LT beforehand, as I already had the book.

LT has its own scanner. It's shaped like a cat, though. A furless cat. Kinda looks like another form of plastic toy that is popular among adults.
LibraryThing has an Importer which should work with Book Collector (I think you'll have to export a list of ISBNs to HTML or text, when use the LT importer).
I've been slowly incorporating our stuff over there - more as a backup to the local opendb library that we run here on our own webserver. Now explain to me why I'm bothering. Goodness knows - compulsively addicted to lists I guess :)
Good question, Karen---I've signed up over at LT but not sure why yet. Can someone explain? Cause I can be a compulsive list monger too.

Hell, I don't have my ISBNs yet. In the process of bringing a book from production to release, do you know when those get assigned?
I think it's like going to a friend's house and having a look at their bookshelves. It also helps to have all your books listed so you don't get them again as birthday presents.
I've just started doing it - mainly to share with others the books I really enjoy. But it also means I can take notes on what I'm reading and not lose them!

I have no interest in cataloging my personal library - it's just what I've been reading lately, and a chance to see what people with similar tastes are reading. I quite like it.
True and true. And it's a goldmine for nosy people. You can snoop through the shelves of people you don't even know!
I just started using Library Thing this year, because of the gadgets for my blog. I enjoyed seeing the covers on other peoples blogs and decided to do it too.
The ape says he hasn't touched it in a long time---then Daniel adds, it scans like a hairless p-, er, cat.

I gotta check 'er out...
Maybe I'm missing the point (it certainly wouldn't be the first time) but I don't get the fascination with LibraryThing.
I'm an avid reader, and have finished 50+ novels already this year. I get tons of questions from people about my reading habits. I can point them to my LibraryThing. The other aspect I like is the connections to other people's libraries. If I really like a book, I might check out another reader's library and see what else they liked and try that.

The publishing world might be publishing 150,000 titles a year, but I still need recommendations. :)

Hope this helps explain (my interest, at any rate)


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