Does anyone know what became of Marcel Montecino?  He had 3 Excellent crime novels in the 90's--"The Crosskiller," "Big Time" & "Sacred Heart."  Definitely a Huge talent & was said to be on a fast-track to the top.

I know of rumors that he died but have never heard it confirmed.  Google him & there is only 1 mention of a 1998 death.  I tried them, they charge for the obit & it is not the author's.  Other writer's who died around this time (like Eugene Izzi) have dozens of mentions pop up when googled.

Anyone know, excluding the rumors?

Thanks,  Jed Power

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Marcel Montecino did in fact pass away in 1998.  He was my cousin and grew up in New Orleans.  Much of what is written in "Big Time" can be related to real life situations and experiences - which is true in all three of his books.   For instance he attended "Sacred Heart School", his father in real life was a cabbie, his real mother died during child birth, etc.

It saddens me that I did not have an opportunity to see him in the years prior to his death - He was a great talent in so many ways.

Hi Cathy,

Sorry I didn't respond sooner but was on a family vacation.

Yes, I did find out that Marcel died in 1998.  I was fascinated to hear that he was your cousin and also his descriptions of real life situations incorporated into his books.  The real life references didn't surprise me because Marcel's writing struck a very strong cord in me at a time when I was thinking of getting into writing full time.  That of course, was with "Crosskillers" and followed later with "Big Time" & "Sacred Heart."  The writing is extraordinary, of course, but looking back I sometimes think Marcel may have been going through similar life experiences as I was and laid them between the lines.  I wouldn't know this but it might explain my unusually strong attraction to his writing.  Even today, I periodically reread all three in order.  I don't even do that with my Noir heroes of the 40's & 50's!

I have never seen an obituary but the little I have seen concerning his private life interests me very much.  Even on a site like this peopled with crime writers, I rarely bump into anyone who has even heard of him.  That's a real shame.  Even today, I wonder what a person of his talent would have been able to create if he'd lived longer and stuck to writing.  We would have had a lot of good books to read, that is for sure.

Do you know who is in charge of his literary estate?

Thanks for responding, Cathy.




I do not have information regarding his probate, only the case number, I've considered ordering a copy of it, just to know about the last months, years of his life.  I have been in touch with his "significant other", however, information was not forthcoming from that source.

Perhaps there are other ways in which you two were connected and you need to bring it to light - i.e., birthdates, names, etc.

I would like to know more about the events surrounding his death - it is something that has bothered me for years.  We were very closed when we were young and at times when I "read my role" in his books, that I was very surprised that he viewed the situation as such.

He truly had a brilliant mind.  I appreciate your interest in him.




Hi Cathy, 

I just acquired a copy of "Big Time" to add to my collection.  It is inscribed & also contains a handwritten note by Marcel to Gordon Carroll, the producer of "Cool Hand Luke," "Alien," etc.

I've asked to "Friend" you.  If you accept, our Marcel chats would be private so we wouldn't bore others.  Only a thought; ok if you'd prefer not too.



Sounds good - thanks


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