Liz Clifford's book review blog is less than a year old but she has a growing and loyal group of worldwide readers. To encourage her followers to try authors they haven't read, she's asking us for cover art, info, and a link to our sites:
I told her I'd pass the word.

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Thanks for posting this, Jack. It looks like a great opportunity. My books won't be out until next summer but I am definitely interested.

Thanks for this!

My first mystery/suspense novel, In Pursuit of the Enemy, will be released in a couple weeks. Just in time to get envolved in Liz's Summer Reading Challenge .

Again, thanks!

Good luck with the new book, Al.
I have my two books CAPABLE OF MURDER and THE EMBROIDERED CORPSE accepted for the summer reading challenge, thanks to Liz.
Thanks, Jack

I, too have nothing coming out till 008, but will bookmark this.



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