Dick Lochte

United States

Profile Information:

Los Angeles and New Orleans
About Me:
New crime novel: CROAKED!. Previous books: SLEEPING DOG (winner, Nero Wolf Award, one of 100 Best Mysteries of the Millennium), LAUGHING DOG, LUCKY DOG (short stories), BLUE BAYOU, THE NEON SMILE. Columnist, LATimes for a long, long time (won Ellen Nehr Award for mystery criticism in 2003). Prior to all that, worked as skip-tracer, tour conductor, editor at TV Guide, copywriter for Playboy.
I Am A:
Writer, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
All by Raymond Chandler, even Playback, All by Dashiell Hammett except The Thin Man, Craig Rice' John J. Malone novels, Leslie Charteris, the great Ross Thomas, Graham Greene, John le Carre, James Lee Burke, Jan Burke, Mike Connelly, George Pelecanos, Gerald Petievich (particularly Earth Angel), Ed Gorman (particularly the Sam McCains), Larry Block, Don Westlake (prefer the Parkers over the Dortmunders) -- too many more.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The usual movies: The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Chinatown, All-time favorite is The Third Man. Never can see it enough. Also, Twilight, The Usual Suspects, Witness for the Prosecution, North by Northwest, The Narrow Margin. TV: The Rockford Files, best PI series ever. Ten-Speed and Brown Shoe, Peter Gunn. Currently: Veronica Mars, Sopranos and both The Riches and Raines look like they may work out.

Comment Wall:

  • Angie

    Hi, Dick! Just doin' the drive-by howdy thing. Love the title of your new novel, btw. I'd pick it up just for that!
  • Morgan Mandel

    Winter in Chicago - I don't mind wearing a coat and gloves and like the fresh air, but hate the extremes. I used to like snow, but now it's a nuisance, especially since it's hard to walk the dog then. When you have an active dog, it needs a lot of exercise. For a few months the poor thing was just thrown in the yard and she didn't want to stay out there very long.
    Anyway, spring is beautiful. The trees are budding and the crocus are coming up.
    Morgan Mandel
  • Pari Noskin Taichert

    What's a skip-tracer? I'm having all kinds of fun imagining . . .
  • Dick Lochte

    Yep. Chicago in the spring is better than Paris in the spring. And food is almost as good.
  • Laura Benedict

    Hi, Dick. Thanks for adding me! So, do you think Hammett just sold out with The Thin Man? I confess that the William Powell films are like chicken soup on a gray, chilly day to me....
  • Dick Lochte

    Pari, a skip tracer is somebody who finds people who skip out on debts. It's an unpleasant job, usually putting you in contact with desperate people.
  • Robert Goldsborough

    Hi, Dick,

    Yes, I do remember when our books were Mystery Guild selections at the same time. Also, a poker-playing friend of mine, Jerry Turner, has always spoken highly of you. I believe you and he lived in the same neighborhood on the North Side of Chicago years back when he worked for Marshall Field's and you were writing mysteries and also, if memory serves, freelancing for Playboy, among others. Jerry is in semi-retirement now at Seabrook Island, S.C., playing a lot of golf.
    I just talked to him, and he sends his best. Good to hear from you, Dick!

    Bob Goldsborough
  • Harry Shannon

    Howdy, Dick!
  • Michael Haskins

    Dick, we met a few times, years ago, while I lived in LA and attended MWA meetings. Was in LA in late June trying to set up some signings and picked uip Croaked in Thousand Oaks. Have Sleeping Dogs and Laughing Dogs in my library. I see we are both Five Star authors; I am honored to be in the company of of writers like you and Jerry Healy.
  • Alan Cook

    Dick, I enjoyed your review of DEAD HEAT, by Dick Francis and Felix Francis in this morning's Los Angeles Times. I have read and enjoyed Dick Francis books in the past, but judging from what you said about the latest one, I suspect your review is more fun to read than the book.
  • Jochem van der Steen

    Dick if you like Ed Gorman's stuff, feel free to visit www.sonsofspade.tk , we've got a Q & A with the man.
  • Beth Groundwater

    Hey, fellow Five Star author! I just sent you a friend request.
  • Tom Piccirilli

    Thanks for the kind words on my own offering in PRISONER OF MEMORY, Dick. I really enjoyed your "Devil Dog" as well. Also really enjoyed BLUE BAYOU. Need to catch up with your latest.