Katherine Howell

Profile Information:

Tweed Heads
About Me:
My first crime thriller 'Frantic' was released by Pan Macmillan in Australia in May 2007, and the second book in the series, 'The Darkest Hour', will be published in May 2008. The books will also be released in Europe in the coming year.
I was an ambulance officer for fifteen years and like to bung lots of that experience into the text. Much like my good buddy Leigh Redhead does, only with less pole dancing.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Leigh Redhead; Tess Gerritsen; Michael Connelly; Michael Robotham; Peter Temple; Harlan Coben; Dennis Lehane; Kate Morton. Oh dern it, just looked at others' pages -- how COULD I have forgotten the marvellous Laura Lippman? Now I'm going to hell for sure.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Office (original UK version); Seinfeld; The Wire (oh man); The Shield; NYPD Blue.

Comment Wall:

  • Daniel Hatadi

    Welcome aboard, Katherine. Glad you like the place!
  • Katherine Howell

    Thanks Daniel! I've been reading your blog for quite a while, and always enjoy it.
  • Karen from AustCrime

    Excellent - another local author - lovely to see you here Katherine.
  • Katherine Howell

    Thanks Karen! I've been reading your blog tooooooo :)
  • Damien Gay

    G'day Katherine. NIce to see you here. I've got Frantic sitting on my bookshelf, waiting for me to finish Robert Sims and Shane Maloney's new books. Looking forward to it. Hope you enjoy Crimespace.
  • Katherine Howell

    Hi Damien, good to 'meet' you! Love your sites. Hope you like Frantic when you get there.
    Any distance runner has my utmost respect.
  • Damien Gay

    Respect I can handle. Everyone else just thinks I'm mad.
  • Kerrie

    Hello Katherine.
    Good to put a face to a name. My library has heard of FRANTIC and says they have it on order. Well done
  • Katherine Howell

    Hi Kerrie! Thanks for your message. Hope to meet you in person one day!
  • Joseph Finder

    Thanks, Katherine -- best wishes on the new book!
  • Katherine Howell

    Thanks Joe! Love your books.
  • Leigh Redhead

    Hiya Katherine, congrats on the full page article in the Sun Herald. Nice one!
  • Katherine Howell

    Thanks Leigh! Isn't it a ripper!
  • Jackie Tritt

    Hi Katherine

    Wonderful news about "Frantic' - I'll keep a lookout for it and for 'Panic' when it comes (have you read Terry Lane's 'Hectic' - looks like it should be in your series.

  • Katherine Howell

    Hi Jackie,
    nice to 'meet' you!
    No, haven't read Hectic - will have to go and find it now!
  • L.J. Sellers

    Congratulations on your debut releases. You experiences sound like they'll make for good reading.