Jason Martin

Profile Information:

Bowmanville, ONT., Canada
About Me:
What is there to say? I'm a big-time crime fiction fan and writer (nothing published... yet), a huge fan of the true-crime shows on T.V., and I've been married for 15 years. Anything else you'd like to know, ask. I'm always willing to chat.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Listing books would take too bloody long, so I'll just go with authors; Douglas Adams, Steven Brust, Patricia Cornwall, Laurell K. Hamilton, Thomas Harris, Tanya Huff, Stephen King, William King, C.S. Lewis, Robert B. Parker, Anne Rice, R.A. Salvatore, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Donald E. Westlake/Richard Stark. Oh, yeah - and the Canadian writers' group known as the Bunch of Seven.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Anything related to crime, criminal investigations/private eyes, vampires, the supernatural, and like that. I'm also a total sci-fi geek (Star Wars, Riddick, like that) and horror maven; Even the really cheesy horror flicks like "Dead Awake". Currently, I'm hooked on "Blood Ties" and "Hex".

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  • carole gill

    Yes Jason! And you can plug yourself! People are interested to read what non fiction true crime buffs are reading and writing! check it out!
  • L. A. Starks

    Yes, gas prices are high. If they matched oil prices, we'd be paying $10/gallon instead of $4/gal (in US) How much higher are they in Canada?
  • Jason Martin

    At last check, gas is $1.35 a litre. I don't know how many litres are in a gallon off the top of my head (haven't had enough coffee yet), but you've got to figure at least $12/gal would be in the right neighbourhood.

    And people wonder why I don't bother owning a car....